venerdì 18 luglio 2014
Darfur .... OH DARFUR.
Darfur crisis and the failure of the UN peace mission!
07-18-2014 04:47 AM
Mahjoub Mohamed Saleh
After seven years of its founding facing the joint force between the African Union and United Nations peacekeeping force in Darfur attack from all sides, and accusations of failing to carry out its functions in keeping the peace and protecting civilians in the troubled region, despite large sums of money that has been spent to this day, which exceeded ten billion dollars, if the funds were spent on the development of Darfur, to be forwarded to the Commission, and to put an end to the conflicts raging!
There is no party satisfied with the performance of the mission, but that some employees expressed disappointment in, and accuse the helplessness and disorientation through reports is true it raises to the Security Council and the African Union, has echoed these accusations publicly, and across many media platforms, and the official spokesman of the Mission previously - Aisha visual - who resigned from the position in the leadership of the mission, to Chen by a sweeping attack forced him Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-that show the internal commission of inquiry to retreat all the reports of other mission, and decide on the extent of credibility, but the decision did not convince Aisha visual because Committee composed of staff of the United Nations, has been expected to find some of the imbalances, while they are calling for the formation of an independent commission recognized the independence and integrity of its members.
Darfur rebels for their part, have the mission for failing to protect civilians and to side with the government and the opacity violations and support for the militias out of control, and support the accusations Aisha that the mission be sent misleading reports, and add to that being charged for those reports to conceal government abuses, and it was decided that the armed conflict in Darfur has ended which is belied by the successive events and the clashes that take place between the rebels and government-backed militias.
However, the government itself is not satisfied with the performance of the mission accusing them tolerate violations of the rebel movements not facing aggression, and fail to protect civilians not only fail, but - well - in the protection of its members, and it does not Bmjhodat protection imposed by the UN mandate.
United Nations faces a real dilemma because of the apparent failure of this force, which is considered a unique experience because it's not an exclusive for the United Nations and under the supervision of the Security Council alone, it is a common experience between the African Union and the United Nations and all its African troops and even though they have not been able to make any concrete action to save the peace they lost a lot of soldiers who failed to protect them, and failed to fully protect civilians, but failed to protect its property, which is being plundered in the fourth day, which many complain about the weakness of their potential combat and a weak mandate, but the other hand, failed in its efforts to strengthen the chances for peace in Darfur through caller dialogue with the parties to the dialogue.
The mission is still rumored to be fighting between government forces and the rebel movements has subsided considerably, and is about to stop, but they do not hide it from the spread and increase the number of militias that threaten the security of the region and the widening scope of operations and criminal cases of kidnapping and escalating tribal conflict are all threatened the security of the region and hinder the arrival of relief for those affected and weakened the capacity of the mission to protect civilians.
Now solve the time the end of the mandate of the mission, and it was time for renewal league have, which is applied to the Peace and Security Council of the African to extend its work for another year, and this will be appropriate to reconsider the conditions of this mission high-cost and review the achievements on the ground, and is expected to be raised many criticisms against the mission for raising the issue of extension of her in front of the Council - will the African Council from making any changes in the composition of the mission or working methods, so contribute actively in the performance of the most important duties of protecting civilians and the delivery of aid to the needy and to support any projects dialogue to achieve peace in Darfur, or Council will find itself compelled to renew the mandate for another year without changes remember? All the evidence suggests that the latter option is the most likely, are the renewal of the mission without any changes to ensure its better performance and the Darfur crisis will remain at a standstill!.
giovedì 17 luglio 2014
WHO is going to scape Sudan when the revolution have successe ?
SPLM: annunci Bashir e il suo ministro della difesa, falsa propaganda .. Assomigliano sapone .. perdite subite dalle forze governative era fantastico.
Ribelli SPLM dichiarano campagna estiva per contrastare il governo militare nel Sud Kordofan e Blue Nile
2014/07/17 03:24
Londra: segreto Mustafa
Ha annunciato che il SPLM in Sudan per consentire loro di contrastare le operazioni militari lanciate dal «estate decisiva» governo sudanese per porre fine alla rivolta nel Sud Kordofan e il Nilo Azzurro delle due battaglie tra le due parti dal 2011. Ha sottolineato che lei si muoverà con il resto delle fazioni del Fronte Rivoluzionario e il popolo sudanese per porre fine al sistema , si è conclusa con i leader visita diplomatica inclusa Etiopia, Sud Africa e lavorando su accordi per ripartire in Africa occidentale per l'avvertimento, che si chiama «espansione politica dell'Islam», nel momento in cui ha dichiarato lo stato del Sud Darfur stato di emergenza da ieri nella città di Nyala, capitale dello stato, a partire dalle sette di sera alle sette del mattino ora locale.
Un portavoce del SPLM Arnaud Lodi «Medio Oriente» che la leadership del movimento guidato dal proprietario della struttura, e il suo segretario generale Yasser Arman, e il comandante Jcod Mekouar valutata con il capo militare del personale, Abdul Aziz Adam dolce presso la sede militari nelle montagne di microkernel. La «Sono riuscito forze SPLA per finire quello che definisce il fallimento del governo dell'estate cruciale, e le nostre forze sono stati in grado di distruggere più di 12 commovente nelle regioni del Sud Kordofan e Blue Nile». La «Siamo riusciti a impedire che le forze del regime di raggiungere le zone di Kauda nelle Montagne Nuba e Nilo Azzurro in Yaboos non è stata in grado di forzare il Congresso Nazionale della occupazione del confine internazionale tra Sudan e Sud Sudan».
Lodi ha detto che la campagna militare da parte delle forze governative fallito miseramente e non ha raggiunto i propri obiettivi per porre fine alla rivolta in tutto il Sudan. Egli «Il presidente annunci Omar al-Bashir e il suo ministro della difesa, false» e dissero: «E 'simile propaganda sapone in TV presto per scadere Vqat, e di sistema merchandise BART grazie alla fermezza del nostro popolo e le nostre forze nel Nilo Blu e il Monti Nuba».
Lodi ha detto che le perdite subite dalle truppe governative è stata una grande aggiunta alla perdita di materiale militare che è diventato nelle mani delle forze Fronte Rivoluzionario e il SPLA.
Il «le vite di giovani che hanno pagato il loro governo per le operazioni militari, mostra disprezzo per questo sistema e la vendita di queste vite a buon mercato per il bene di al-Bashir e il suo regime restano al potere», sottolineando che il suo movimento possa funzionare con il popolo sudanese e le forze del Fronte rivoluzionario per rovesciare il regime.
Ha detto che la campagna militare si verificherà sorprese non si aspettano il sistema, sottolineando che le politiche del governo di fame nelle zone di guerra e siti che esistono sotto il controllo del movimento, per evitare che le organizzazioni internazionali di consegnare il cibo ai bisognosi.
Ha aggiunto che le forze governative hanno distrutto ospedali e punti d'acqua bombardamenti aerei al giorno e lo sfollamento di oltre 150 mila cittadini e li espellono dai loro villaggi e fattorie.
Il portavoce dell'esercito sudanese Sawarmi Khaled Saad ripetuto in più di un'occasione che le forze armate avrebbero finito la ribellione entro la fine di questa estate in Sud Kordofan e il Nilo Azzurro, che si concluderà nel maggio dello scorso anno, e si avvia dopo l'autunno fino a ottobre (ottobre) accanto, dove forze hanno difficoltà a muoversi a causa di Balyatea strade impervie che sono pieni di acqua in quelle zone.
medio Oriente
Ribelli SPLM dichiarano campagna estiva per contrastare il governo militare nel Sud Kordofan e Blue Nile
2014/07/17 03:24
Londra: segreto Mustafa
Ha annunciato che il SPLM in Sudan per consentire loro di contrastare le operazioni militari lanciate dal «estate decisiva» governo sudanese per porre fine alla rivolta nel Sud Kordofan e il Nilo Azzurro delle due battaglie tra le due parti dal 2011. Ha sottolineato che lei si muoverà con il resto delle fazioni del Fronte Rivoluzionario e il popolo sudanese per porre fine al sistema , si è conclusa con i leader visita diplomatica inclusa Etiopia, Sud Africa e lavorando su accordi per ripartire in Africa occidentale per l'avvertimento, che si chiama «espansione politica dell'Islam», nel momento in cui ha dichiarato lo stato del Sud Darfur stato di emergenza da ieri nella città di Nyala, capitale dello stato, a partire dalle sette di sera alle sette del mattino ora locale.
Un portavoce del SPLM Arnaud Lodi «Medio Oriente» che la leadership del movimento guidato dal proprietario della struttura, e il suo segretario generale Yasser Arman, e il comandante Jcod Mekouar valutata con il capo militare del personale, Abdul Aziz Adam dolce presso la sede militari nelle montagne di microkernel. La «Sono riuscito forze SPLA per finire quello che definisce il fallimento del governo dell'estate cruciale, e le nostre forze sono stati in grado di distruggere più di 12 commovente nelle regioni del Sud Kordofan e Blue Nile». La «Siamo riusciti a impedire che le forze del regime di raggiungere le zone di Kauda nelle Montagne Nuba e Nilo Azzurro in Yaboos non è stata in grado di forzare il Congresso Nazionale della occupazione del confine internazionale tra Sudan e Sud Sudan».
Lodi ha detto che la campagna militare da parte delle forze governative fallito miseramente e non ha raggiunto i propri obiettivi per porre fine alla rivolta in tutto il Sudan. Egli «Il presidente annunci Omar al-Bashir e il suo ministro della difesa, false» e dissero: «E 'simile propaganda sapone in TV presto per scadere Vqat, e di sistema merchandise BART grazie alla fermezza del nostro popolo e le nostre forze nel Nilo Blu e il Monti Nuba».
Lodi ha detto che le perdite subite dalle truppe governative è stata una grande aggiunta alla perdita di materiale militare che è diventato nelle mani delle forze Fronte Rivoluzionario e il SPLA.
Il «le vite di giovani che hanno pagato il loro governo per le operazioni militari, mostra disprezzo per questo sistema e la vendita di queste vite a buon mercato per il bene di al-Bashir e il suo regime restano al potere», sottolineando che il suo movimento possa funzionare con il popolo sudanese e le forze del Fronte rivoluzionario per rovesciare il regime.
Ha detto che la campagna militare si verificherà sorprese non si aspettano il sistema, sottolineando che le politiche del governo di fame nelle zone di guerra e siti che esistono sotto il controllo del movimento, per evitare che le organizzazioni internazionali di consegnare il cibo ai bisognosi.
Ha aggiunto che le forze governative hanno distrutto ospedali e punti d'acqua bombardamenti aerei al giorno e lo sfollamento di oltre 150 mila cittadini e li espellono dai loro villaggi e fattorie.
Il portavoce dell'esercito sudanese Sawarmi Khaled Saad ripetuto in più di un'occasione che le forze armate avrebbero finito la ribellione entro la fine di questa estate in Sud Kordofan e il Nilo Azzurro, che si concluderà nel maggio dello scorso anno, e si avvia dopo l'autunno fino a ottobre (ottobre) accanto, dove forze hanno difficoltà a muoversi a causa di Balyatea strade impervie che sono pieni di acqua in quelle zone.
medio Oriente
mercoledì 16 luglio 2014
Bashir have to give the power to NATIONAL GOVERNMENT .... the only solution.
Sudan’s al-Mahdi sets conditions for resuming participation in national dialogue
July 15, 2014 (KHARTOUM) – The leader of the opposition National Umma Party (NUP), Sadiq al-Mahdi, has criticised the recent wave of restrictions imposed on political freedoms, saying the party would only resume participation in the national dialogue process if the government adopts laws to achieve a binding national accord and peace.
In his first speech to the party’s members since his release from detention on 15 June, Al-Mahdi expressed optimism about the national dialogue, expressing regret over the government’s efforts to restrict the process to fit with its own agenda.
The opposition leader further said that under such conditions the only choice left was to unify all political and armed opposition forces to work peacefully to achieve peace and re-establish democratic transformation in Sudan.
He called for these forces to unite under the “National Construction Charter: United Diversity” and use all necessary means to establish a new regime excluding violence.
“If the regime realise the reality of the situation and decided to seriously take proactive steps to achieve the popular and legitimate demands the way forwards is to adjust the national dialogue process,” he said.
“The way to do that is to adhere to policies protected from twists and embodied in laws, particularly two laws: the law of the construction of national concord and peace-building law,” added al-Mahdi.
According to the former prime minister, the national concord law should focus on issues related to democratic transition, with the participation of “the six historical parties” and any other important new political formation. He also said this process should be headed by a neutral chairmanship, rejecting the current leadership under president Omer Hassan al-Bashir.
Regarding the peace-building law, al-Mahdi said political parties involved in the national dialogue process should participate in the peace talks with rebel groups, calling for talks with rebel groups in Darfur, Blue Nile and South Kordofan to be mediated by the African Union (AU) with observers from the international community.
The Sudanese government has so far rejected demands by rebel groups to unify the two existing tracks for peace in Darfur and the Two Areas.
The NUP suspended its participation in national dialogue following al-Mahdi’s detention in May after he criticised government militia, accusing them of committing war crimes in Darfur. After his release, Mahdi said there is a need to review the current process.
Last Thursday, the national dialogue mechanism held a meeting without the NUP and the Reform Now Party (RNP), led by the former presidential adviser Ghazi Salah al-Deen al-Attabani.
The RNP, which was established by a splinter group from the ruling National Congress Party (NCP), said on Monday the party had decided to resume its participation in the process after a meeting of its leadership council.
Another, Islamist party, the Popular Congress Party (PCP), led by Hassan al-Turabi refused to suspend its participation in the national dialogue, saying all current difficulties can be resolved within the existing mechanisms.
Turabi’s party also said it would seek to persuade the NUP and RNP to rejoin the national dialogue.
Following a meeting held on Tuesday, the RNP political bureau decided to end its boycott of the political process, vowing to work towards achieving a political consensus to end war and restore democracy in Sudan.
“In consideration of demands from our political partners in the mechanism of national dialogue, based [on] developments occurring in the path of dialogue and in order to test the government’s seriousness towards dialogue and its outputs, the political bureau decided to activate the participation of the movement in the 7 +7 Committee and evaluate the subsequent political positions to the movement in accordance with the outputs of the upcoming meetings,” said a statement released at the end of the meeting .
“The RNP political bureau decided to coordinate with all political forces to achieve political consensus through a national project that gathers all Sudanese on the minimum necessary [requirements] to build a state of justice,” the communiqué adds.
July 15, 2014 (KHARTOUM) – The leader of the opposition National Umma Party (NUP), Sadiq al-Mahdi, has criticised the recent wave of restrictions imposed on political freedoms, saying the party would only resume participation in the national dialogue process if the government adopts laws to achieve a binding national accord and peace.
In his first speech to the party’s members since his release from detention on 15 June, Al-Mahdi expressed optimism about the national dialogue, expressing regret over the government’s efforts to restrict the process to fit with its own agenda.
The opposition leader further said that under such conditions the only choice left was to unify all political and armed opposition forces to work peacefully to achieve peace and re-establish democratic transformation in Sudan.
He called for these forces to unite under the “National Construction Charter: United Diversity” and use all necessary means to establish a new regime excluding violence.
“If the regime realise the reality of the situation and decided to seriously take proactive steps to achieve the popular and legitimate demands the way forwards is to adjust the national dialogue process,” he said.
“The way to do that is to adhere to policies protected from twists and embodied in laws, particularly two laws: the law of the construction of national concord and peace-building law,” added al-Mahdi.
According to the former prime minister, the national concord law should focus on issues related to democratic transition, with the participation of “the six historical parties” and any other important new political formation. He also said this process should be headed by a neutral chairmanship, rejecting the current leadership under president Omer Hassan al-Bashir.
Regarding the peace-building law, al-Mahdi said political parties involved in the national dialogue process should participate in the peace talks with rebel groups, calling for talks with rebel groups in Darfur, Blue Nile and South Kordofan to be mediated by the African Union (AU) with observers from the international community.
The Sudanese government has so far rejected demands by rebel groups to unify the two existing tracks for peace in Darfur and the Two Areas.
The NUP suspended its participation in national dialogue following al-Mahdi’s detention in May after he criticised government militia, accusing them of committing war crimes in Darfur. After his release, Mahdi said there is a need to review the current process.
Last Thursday, the national dialogue mechanism held a meeting without the NUP and the Reform Now Party (RNP), led by the former presidential adviser Ghazi Salah al-Deen al-Attabani.
The RNP, which was established by a splinter group from the ruling National Congress Party (NCP), said on Monday the party had decided to resume its participation in the process after a meeting of its leadership council.
Another, Islamist party, the Popular Congress Party (PCP), led by Hassan al-Turabi refused to suspend its participation in the national dialogue, saying all current difficulties can be resolved within the existing mechanisms.
Turabi’s party also said it would seek to persuade the NUP and RNP to rejoin the national dialogue.
Following a meeting held on Tuesday, the RNP political bureau decided to end its boycott of the political process, vowing to work towards achieving a political consensus to end war and restore democracy in Sudan.
“In consideration of demands from our political partners in the mechanism of national dialogue, based [on] developments occurring in the path of dialogue and in order to test the government’s seriousness towards dialogue and its outputs, the political bureau decided to activate the participation of the movement in the 7 +7 Committee and evaluate the subsequent political positions to the movement in accordance with the outputs of the upcoming meetings,” said a statement released at the end of the meeting .
“The RNP political bureau decided to coordinate with all political forces to achieve political consensus through a national project that gathers all Sudanese on the minimum necessary [requirements] to build a state of justice,” the communiqué adds.
martedì 15 luglio 2014
Bashir followed the past of Sudan.
The effects of the oldest in the history of war in Sudan
07-14-2014 10:15 PM
French scientists discovered, working in collaboration with the British Museum, the remains of what they believe the skeletons of the oldest ethnic war in history, which may be broke by more than 13 thousand years on the edge of the Sahara in northern Sudan.
The scientists discovered that the effects that appear dead, most of them died because of arrows made of flint, that the bones discovered in Mount companions, on the east bank of the River Nile in northern Sudan, is a guide who discovers what may be considered the oldest armed conflict in human history.
Over the past two years, scientists have discovered anthropology from the University of Bordeaux French dozens of arrowheads and fragments of bones about the victims. There are also many similar effects that were found near the area in the sixties of the last century, which was re-examined again using the sophisticated technology that were not available when he discovered the bones prominent American archaeologist Fred Androf in 1964.
US sanctions pose serious threat to Sudan’s strategic reserves of wheat
US sanctions pose serious threat to Sudan’s strategic reserves of wheat
July 14, 2014 (KHARTOUM) – Sudan’s strategic reserve of wheat has declined sharply due to refusal of several banks in western countries and Gulf States to open documentary credits for importing the commodity.
Last month, France’s largest bank, BNP Paribas, agreed to pay nearly $9 billion to resolve criminal allegations that it processed transactions for clients in Sudan and other blacklisted countries in violation of the United States trade sanctions.
After months of negotiations, BNP admitted to violating US trade sanctions by processing billions of dollars in illegal transactions on behalf of clients in Sudan, Cuba and Iran.
Washington imposed economic and trade sanctions on Sudan in 1997 in response to its alleged connection to terror networks and human rights abuses. In 2007 it strengthened the embargo, citing abuses in Darfur which it labeled as genocide.
Informed sources told Sudan Tribune that officials of a major Sudanese flour mills continued to contact the Central Bank of Sudan (CBoS) for a whole week in order to get the foreign exchange needed for wheat imports amid fears that its operations could stop.
Sudanese flour market is controlled by three major companies including Sayga flour mills which is owned by Osama Daoud, Weta flour mills which is owned by Ibrahim Malik, and the government-owned Seen flour mills.
Sudan imports more than 2 million tones of wheat annually at a cost of $1.5 billion dollars. The government plans for achieving self-sufficiency has failed since 1993 while domestic consumption have increased significantly.
The same sources said that commercial banks have been keeping large numbers of documentary credits for several months because they couldn’t find a correspondent bank to accept them amid government reticence and search for solutions.
The sources also pointed that several Sudanese importers are reluctant to use their accounts in foreign banks to provide foreign trade for exporters particularly as the US became increasingly active in pursuing banks which offers such service.
International financial institutions became increasingly cautious in dealing with Sudan as they do not want to risk being found in violation of US sanctions.
Following BNP Paribas penalties, the US federal and state authorities intensified investigations of other foreign banks over signs of similar infractions. At least six banks in Germany, France, Italy or Japan are among the institutions that could face fines or forfeitures for processing transactions linked to Sudan, Cuba, and Iran.
The sources also said that wheat crisis has surfaced since five days ago, pointing that Qatari banks which used to cooperate with Sudan started to face difficulties in opening documentary credits for its Sudanese counterparts since last month.
Last March, a number of Saudi and European banks took a decision to stop dealing with Sudanese banks and attributed it to pressure made by the United States.
The effects of the oldest in the history of war in Sudan
07-14-2014 10:15 PM
French scientists discovered, working in collaboration with the British Museum, the remains of what they believe the skeletons of the oldest ethnic war in history, which may be broke by more than 13 thousand years on the edge of the Sahara in northern Sudan.
The scientists discovered that the effects that appear dead, most of them died because of arrows made of flint, that the bones discovered in Mount companions, on the east bank of the River Nile in northern Sudan, is a guide who discovers what may be considered the oldest armed conflict in human history.
Over the past two years, scientists have discovered anthropology from the University of Bordeaux French dozens of arrowheads and fragments of bones about the victims. There are also many similar effects that were found near the area in the sixties of the last century, which was re-examined again using the sophisticated technology that were not available when he discovered the bones prominent American archaeologist Fred Androf in 1964.
July 14, 2014 (KHARTOUM) – Sudan’s strategic reserve of wheat has declined sharply due to refusal of several banks in western countries and Gulf States to open documentary credits for importing the commodity.
Last month, France’s largest bank, BNP Paribas, agreed to pay nearly $9 billion to resolve criminal allegations that it processed transactions for clients in Sudan and other blacklisted countries in violation of the United States trade sanctions.
After months of negotiations, BNP admitted to violating US trade sanctions by processing billions of dollars in illegal transactions on behalf of clients in Sudan, Cuba and Iran.
Washington imposed economic and trade sanctions on Sudan in 1997 in response to its alleged connection to terror networks and human rights abuses. In 2007 it strengthened the embargo, citing abuses in Darfur which it labeled as genocide.
Informed sources told Sudan Tribune that officials of a major Sudanese flour mills continued to contact the Central Bank of Sudan (CBoS) for a whole week in order to get the foreign exchange needed for wheat imports amid fears that its operations could stop.
Sudanese flour market is controlled by three major companies including Sayga flour mills which is owned by Osama Daoud, Weta flour mills which is owned by Ibrahim Malik, and the government-owned Seen flour mills.
Sudan imports more than 2 million tones of wheat annually at a cost of $1.5 billion dollars. The government plans for achieving self-sufficiency has failed since 1993 while domestic consumption have increased significantly.
The same sources said that commercial banks have been keeping large numbers of documentary credits for several months because they couldn’t find a correspondent bank to accept them amid government reticence and search for solutions.
The sources also pointed that several Sudanese importers are reluctant to use their accounts in foreign banks to provide foreign trade for exporters particularly as the US became increasingly active in pursuing banks which offers such service.
International financial institutions became increasingly cautious in dealing with Sudan as they do not want to risk being found in violation of US sanctions.
Following BNP Paribas penalties, the US federal and state authorities intensified investigations of other foreign banks over signs of similar infractions. At least six banks in Germany, France, Italy or Japan are among the institutions that could face fines or forfeitures for processing transactions linked to Sudan, Cuba, and Iran.
The sources also said that wheat crisis has surfaced since five days ago, pointing that Qatari banks which used to cooperate with Sudan started to face difficulties in opening documentary credits for its Sudanese counterparts since last month.
Last March, a number of Saudi and European banks took a decision to stop dealing with Sudanese banks and attributed it to pressure made by the United States.
The effects of the oldest in the history of war in Sudan
07-14-2014 10:15 PM
French scientists discovered, working in collaboration with the British Museum, the remains of what they believe the skeletons of the oldest ethnic war in history, which may be broke by more than 13 thousand years on the edge of the Sahara in northern Sudan.
The scientists discovered that the effects that appear dead, most of them died because of arrows made of flint, that the bones discovered in Mount companions, on the east bank of the River Nile in northern Sudan, is a guide who discovers what may be considered the oldest armed conflict in human history.
Over the past two years, scientists have discovered anthropology from the University of Bordeaux French dozens of arrowheads and fragments of bones about the victims. There are also many similar effects that were found near the area in the sixties of the last century, which was re-examined again using the sophisticated technology that were not available when he discovered the bones prominent American archaeologist Fred Androf in 1964.
lunedì 14 luglio 2014
European union paid for hospital so the two Silva kiir and Machar destroied it.
July 13, 2014 (JUBA) - South Sudanese government described as "unfair and unjustifiable" last week’s sanctions imposed by the European Union on Santino Deng, one of its top army generals.
"It is unjustifiable and unfair for the European Union council to sanction a commander of an army division for carrying out constitutional mandate. This is not right”, defense minister Kuol Manyang Juuk exclusively told Sudan Tribune Sunday.
He was reacting to Thursday’s announcement by EU that they would apply travel bans and the freeze of the eurozone assets of Deng and rebel commander, Maj. Gen Peter Gadet. While Deng was accused of taking part in May’s recapture of the Unity state capital, Bentiu, Gadet was described as the leader of the anti-government Nuer militia that conducted an attack on Bentiu in April, violating the 23 January ceasefire agreement.
"The attack resulted in the killing of more than 200 civilians. Peter Gadet is thus responsible for fuelling the cycle of violence, thus obstructing the political process in South Sudan, and for serious human rights violations," the EU said in its 11 July journal.
South Sudan’s presidential spokesperson, Ateny Wek Ateny said the EU’s decision could well be equated to a similar sanction imposed by the United States administration on Major Gen. Gadet and the head of the country’s presidential guards, Major Gen. Arial Chanuong Yol.
Yol was accused of allegedly ethnically-targeted killing of an unknown number of people in Juba during the first days of the crisis.
The offending actions, for both the US and the EU, are thought to be related in part to the ethnicities of Machar, a Nuer whose forces are largely drawn from his own ethnic group, and President Salva Kiir, an ethnic Dinka whose troops, are somewhat more heterogeneous. The Sudanese-national victims in Bentiu are thought to have been mistakenly targeted as a result of reports that members of the Darfuri Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) had fought alongside government forces.
The EU and US sanctions are potentially far-reaching. Cash and assets held in America and any of the 27 EU member countries are vulnerable to seizure. The EU has explicitly threatened punitive action against any banks operating in its member territories, which carry out transactions with anybody named by it in relation to the crisis in South Sudan.
It is believed, however, that international cash transfers by the accused men may be vulnerable. Neither Gadet nor Deng are allowed to travel to any EU member nation.
Speculation of the action constituted a warning across the country during the event of continued failure to bring the conflict to an end followed by action against those the chain of command. Many members of South Sudan’s elite in the leadership, on all sides of the current conflict, have close family members settled in Europe and America, some living in properties which could presumably become subject to seizure in the event of any extension of the current sanctions.
The US sanctions allow the seizure of assets believed to have ‘materially provided financial, material, logistical, or technological support or goods or services in support’ of activities obstructing the peace process; supporting actions which lead to human rights abuses; and obstructing the work of the UN.
The specification was made possible against individuals known to have supported individuals subject to United State sanctions.
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