Fire in Sudan's concern and rumours
Have seen large areas in Sudan yesterday, power shortages for long hours, rumours spread through a strong control of the SPLM in the north to the power station Roseires Blue Nile State.
Citizens and lived more than seven hours of anxiety and anticipation, especially since the fire with most northern states, including the capital, Khartoum, before returning gradually after seven hours.
He justified the Sudanese official in the company of electricity interruptions to introduce and improve the efficiency of the supply of the Northern State, which led to other states out of line.
The director of the electricity company Jaafar Bashir told a news briefing that the adapter's efforts to introduce additional capacity of 150 Megavolt to improve the efficiency of electricity supply station in the North caused Quota extensive national network of electricity.
He explained that the Engineers have made a major effort for the return of electricity after the completion of a gradual introduction of generating units feeding the national network.