sabato 16 novembre 2013

نافع : كنا نعلم أن بعض الأحزاب لها صلة مع الجبهة الثورية لكن كونها تتجرأ فهذا أمر خطير يستحق أن يؤخذ على هذه الدرجة

11-15-2013 04:07 PM

عدَّ مساعد الرئيس السوداني، نافع علي نافع، تبني أحزاب معارضة برنامج الجبهة الثورية المتمردة خطوة خطيرة وقضية يجب النظر إليها كعمل خطير فيه تجاوز لقانون الأحزاب عبر التنسيق أو التحالف بين جناح سياسي وآخر عسكري.

وأعلن تحالف المعارضة السودانية بعد اجتماع ضم زعماء أحزابه الأربعاء، عن إنشاء آلية للتنسيق مع فصائل الجبهة الثورية المسلحة من أجل إسقاط النظام الحاكم في الخرطوم.

وأضاف نافع "نحن كنا نعلم أن بعض الأحزاب لها صلة لكن كونها تتجرأ وتقول إنها تتبنى برامج الجبهة الثورية التي تحمل السلاح لتغيير النظام، هذا أمر خطير يستحق أن يؤخذ على هذه الدرجة".

إلى ذلك أبلغ نافع ـ نائب رئيس المؤتمر الوطني الحاكم ـ الصحافيين أن التعديل الوزاري رهين بفراغ الوزراء من التداول حول خطاب الرئيس في البرلمان، وزاد "بعد ذلك لن يتأخر كثيراً إن شاء الله".

وحول توقعات تقديم وزراء الحزب في الحكومة استقالاتهم قال نافع إن الخطوات المعلومة هي أن الرئيس يقدم للمكتب القيادي ترشيحات للوزارات التي يرى أن يحدث فيها تغيير والمكتب القيادي يمكن أن يعتمدها أو يرفضها ويطلب ترشيحات أخرى.

شبكة الشروق

حزب الموتمر الوطنى استولا على السلطه بطريقه الانقلاب العسكرى وعاث فسادا وخرب كل مؤسسات الدوله ٠٠ كل هذا باسم اخوان الشيطان وباسم الدين الاسلامى٠

venerdì 15 novembre 2013

Flogging a woman.

Sudanese activists face flogging for ‘indecent behaviour’

November 14, 2013 (KHARTOUM) – Two Sudanese political activists charged last month with indecent behaviour after they were found travelling in the same car together remain at risk of flogging, Amnesty International (AI) said in a statement this week.

Najlaa Mohammed Ali and Amin Senada faced court on Wednesday following their arrest on 21 October in Port Sudan.

According to AI, Ali, a lawyer and human rights activist, had arranged to meet with Senada, also an activist, to discuss the planning of a workshop.

They were approached by police and security forces following the meeting after the driver of the amjad (private taxi) they were travelling in pulled over to answer a phone call.

The officers accused Senada of placing his hand on Ali’s shoulder, ordering the pair to accompany them to the Police Public Order Department. The arresting officers later claimed they had found them kissing in the car, charging both with ‘indecent behaviour’ under Article 152 of Sudan’s 1991 Criminal Code.

Both could face up to 40 lashes if convicted.

AI has called on the Sudanese government to drop the charges against the pair, also urging it to repeal Article 152.

Sudan’s public order law (POL) governing morality has come under increased scrutiny recently following a high profile case against female activist Amira Osman Hamed, who is facing a flogging sentence after being charged with dressing indecently for not covering her hair with a headscarf.

Hamed has remained defiant and is refusing to cover her hair.

Last week, UN independent experts urged Sudan to end flogging punishments for women accused of so called moral crimes, stressing that the practice amounts to cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment that goes against international law.

In a joint statement, special rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and consequences Rashida Manjoo and Frances Raday, the chairperson of the working group on the issue of discrimination against women in law and in practice, said women disproportionally face the punishment as a result of rampant gender discrimination.

Under the POL, premarital sex, adultery, failure to prove rape, dressing ‘indecently’ or other behaviour deemed immoral, are all grounds for flogging in Sudan.


mercoledì 13 novembre 2013

1882 to 1898 sudan was free from Egiptions and English.

Mahdist War: Siege of Khartoum

By Kennedy Hickman, Guid

Siege of Khartoum - Conflict & Dates:

The Siege of Khartoum lasted from March 13, 1884 to January 26, 1885, and took place during the Mahdist War (1881-1899).

Armies & Commanders

British & Egyptians

• Major General Charles Gordon

• 7,000 men, 9 gunboats


• Muhammad Ahmad

• approx. 50,000 men

Siege of Khartoum - Background:

In the wake of 1882 Anglo-Egyptian War, British troops remained in Egypt to protect British interests. Though occupying the country, they allowed the Khedive to continue overseeing domestic affairs. This included dealing with the Mahdist Revolt which had commenced in Sudan. Though technically under Egyptian rule, large parts of Sudan had fallen to Mahdist forces led by Muhammad Ahmad. Considering himself the Mahdi (the redeemer of Islam), Ahmad defeated Egyptian forces at El Obeid in November 1883 and overran Kordofan and Darfur. This defeat and the deteriorating situation led to Sudan being discussed in Parliament. Assessing the problem and wishing to avoid the cost of intervention, Prime Minister William Gladstone and his cabinet were unwilling to commit forces to the conflict.

As a result, their representative in Cairo, Sir Evelyn Baring, directed the Khedive to order the garrisons in Sudan to evacuate back into Egypt. To oversee this operation, London requested that Major General Charles "Chinese" Gordon be placed in command. A veteran officer and former governor-general of Sudan, Gordon was familiar with the region and its peoples. Leaving in early 1884, he was also tasked with reporting on the best means for extracting the Egyptians from the conflict. Arriving in Cairo, he was re-appointed Governor-General of Sudan with full executive powers. Sailing up the Nile, he arrived at Khartoum on February 18. Directing his limited forces against the advancing Mahdists, Gordon began evacuating women and children north to Egypt.

Siege of Khartoum - Gordon Digs In:

Though London desired to abandon Sudan, Gordon firmly believed the Mahdists needed to be defeated or they could overrun Egypt. Citing a lack of boats and transport, he ignored his orders to evacuate and began organizing a defense of Khartoum. In an effort to win over the city's residents, he improved the justice system and remitted taxes. Recognizing that Khartoum's economy rested on the slave trade, he re-legalized slavery despite the fact the he had originally abolished it during his earlier term as governor-general. While unpopular at home, this move increased Gordon's support in the city. As he moved forward, he began requesting reinforcements to defend the city. An initial request for a regiment of Turkish troops was denied as was a later call for a force of Indian Muslims.

Increasingly agitated by Gladstone's lack of support, Gordon began sending a series of angry telegrams to London. These soon became public and led to a vote of no confidence against Gladstone's government. Though he survived, Gladstone steadfastly refused to become committed to a war in Sudan. Left on his own, Gordon began enhancing Khartoum's defenses. Protected to the north and west by the White and Blue Niles, he saw that fortifications and trenches were constructed to the south and east. Facing the desert, these were supported by land mines and wire barriers. To defend the rivers, Gordon retrofitted several steamers into gunboats which were protected by metal plates. Attempting an offensive near Halfaya on March 16, Gordon's troops faltered and took 200 casualties. In the wake of the setback, he concluded that he should remain on the defensive.

Siege of Khartoum - The Siege Begins:

Later that month, Mahdist forces began to near Khartoum and skirmishing commenced. With Mahdist forces closing in, Gordon telegraphed London on April 19 that he had provisions for five months. He also requested two to three thousand Turkish troops as his men were increasingly unreliable. Gordon believed that with such a force, he could drive off the enemy. As the month ended, the tribes to the north elected to join with the Mahdi and cut off Gordon's lines of communication to Egypt. While runners were able to make the journey, the Nile and telegraph were severed. As enemy forces surrounded the city, Gordon attempted to convince the Mahdi to make peace but with no success.

Siege of Khartoum - Fall of Khartoum:

Holding the city, Gordon was able to somewhat replenish his supplies by raiding with his gunboats. In London, his plight was played up in the press and eventually Queen Victoria directed Gladstone to send aid to the beleaguered garrison. Acquiescing in July 1884, Gladstone ordered General Sir Garnet Wolseley to form an expedition for the relief of Khartoum. Despite this, it took a substantial amount of time to organize the needed men and supplies. As the fall progressed, Gordon's position became increasingly tenuous as supplies dwindled and many of his more capable officers were killed. Shortening his line, he constructed a new wall inside the city and tower from which to observe the enemy. Though communications remained spotty, Gordon did receive word that a relief expedition was en route.

Despite this news, Gordon greatly feared for the city. A letter that arrived in Cairo on December 14 informed a friend, "Farewell. You will never hear from me again. I fear that there will be treachery in the garrison, and all will be over by Christmas." Two days later, Gordon was forced to destroy his outpost across the White Nile at Omdurman. Made aware of Gordon's concerns, Wolseley began pressing south. Defeating the Mahdists at Abu Klea on January 17, 1885, he men met the enemy again two days later. With the relief force approaching, the Mahdi began planning to storm Khartoum. Possessing around 50,000 men, he ordered one column to wade across the White Nile to attack the city's walls while another assaulted the Massalamieh Gate.

Moving forward on the night of January 25-26, both columns quickly overwhelmed the exhausted defenders. Swarming through the city, the Mahdists massacred the garrison and around 4,000 of Khartoum's residents. Though the Mahdi had expressly ordered that Gordon be taken alive, he was struck down in the fighting. Accounts of his death vary with some reports stating he was killed at the governor's palace, while others claim he was shot in the street while trying to escape to the Austrian consulate. In either case, Gordon's body was decapitated and taken to the Mahdi on a pike