sabato 14 aprile 2018

Who is next to hit.????

 News of international politics
 after Syria The next strike Will be on Sudan?
After Syria The Next Strike Will Be On Sudan?
After Syria the next strike will be on Sudan?

04-14-2018 12:41 PM
Kenan Mohammad Hussein 

after the escalation because of the war in Syria , which has continued for nearly ten years, and after the elimination of the infrastructure and the destruction of the country from a maximum to a maximum we thought that the war will end, but unfortunately started a new series, is the intervention US and international by America 's European allies, to eliminate The remaining effects of the state. This war will continue until Syria is completely eliminated. After the destruction of Iraq and Yemen, the division of Sudan and the dismemberment of the Libyan state, and the rest of the contract on a hot tin can explode at any moment.
The Palestinian cause, which was at the heart of the Arab cause, disappeared and became a news item. Each country became bleedier than the other, and the other Arab peoples wished to be like the Palestinian people who eat and drink from Israel and the United Nations and live in safety. After his family turned on him and entered into civil wars, not first and last. Because of the doctrinal and doctrinal problems, even German Chancellor Merkel ridiculed us when she said that the Indians are more than one billion and worship more than one hundred gods and we worship one God and we have one prophet, and yet we slaughter each other because of dissatisfaction with each other for marginal reasons that are not religion in anything . 
There is a joke recently that a few thousand Arab refugees arrived in a small Norwegian village, I think, and this village is twenty thousand and they are the same number. The villagers moved from one of the two churches to turn it into a mosque to perform prayers for Muslims. But the Muslims were divided into three parties Who leads the worshipers. 

Unfortunately, the Arabs do not go to those who gather them, but go to those who divide them, not to look for how to avoid problems, but to look at problems. The government and security apparatuses always seek to invent the problems that lead to tension and create confusion and divisions among the people, and their failure in the Great Satan America and the Israeli enemy, and do not seek reconciliation with the people, but are rushing to suppress and spend billions to exterminate their peoples instead of exploiting their country's wealth The life of dignity and the work on the elimination of all causes of tension and anxiety, and the march towards progress and prosperity, because the theory of Khomeini, which works in the Arab equivalent (the hunger of your dog follows you) works by many of our countries, because in their eyes that if the peoples settled will work to change the system. 
In the midst of this chaos, many parties have interests and agenda that they wish to implement, because these countries have many rare riches for these countries seeking to steal and smuggle them away from the law and official channels. This was achieved by the US and UN peacekeeping forces and involved in the smuggling of drugs, gold and uranium with the traitors of the sons of these countries, and the rest of the people who are on the verge of suffering suffer the death and oppression and injustice. 
These wars will not stop and foreign intervention will not stop in Darfur, Nuba Mountains, Blue Nile or other places. We are truly suffering from hunger, disease and ignorance, and the 
end of this war and the final elimination of Syria. It is not unlikely that the role will come to Sudan or other Arab countries, because the causes exist and the agenda is ready. If we do not try to eliminate the causes of division and search for the reasons for unity and rapprochement between each other.

Help us as Fung Association and donate 5 dollars to build school for the displaced persons victim of civil war in South Blue Nile through our Fung Association representitive Abdelazim GomaaIBAN CODE IT31R0760101600001040808527   Code BIC/SWIFT  BPPIITRRXXX  CIN RABI 07601  CAB 01600 N. of account 1040808527

venerdì 13 aprile 2018

Sudan news.

 Sudan News
 After Sudan 's decision on the war in Yemen ... Mohammed bin Salman calls Bashir
After Sudan's Decision On The War In Yemen ... Mohammed Bin Salman Related Bashir
After Sudan's decision on the war in Yemen ... Mohammed bin Salman related Bashir

04-13-2018 04:39 PM
Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman on Thursday telephoned Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir. 

According to the Sudanese News Agency (SUNA), bin Salman and Bashir agreed during the contact to hold a joint meeting on the sidelines of the 29th Arab summit, which starts on Sunday, in the Saudi capital Riyadh. 

Mohammed bin Salman reveals the position of Saudi Arabia on military intervention in Syria, 
"the agency said," to discuss ways to develop bilateral relations between the two countries, and regional and international issues of common concern. " 
Earlier, the Sudanese Defense Ministry announced the continued participation of its forces in the Arab-led coalition forces in the Yemen war.

"The participation of the armed forces in the Yemen war is normal and this is not the first time that Sudanese forces have been involved in a war outside the country," said Minister of State for Defense Ali Salem, according to deputies attending a closed session of the Sudanese parliament. 

In the same context, the Sudanese presidency announced Thursday that al-Bashir will travel to Saudi Arabia on Saturday, heading his country's delegation to the Arab summit. 


martedì 10 aprile 2018

Splm - North in South of Blue Nile State.

SPLM-N: 'Sudan soldiers repulsed from Blue Nile outpost'

January 17 - 2017 EL TADAMON
A Sudan People's Liberation Movement-North rebel soldier looks out toward Talodi in South Kordofan (AFP)
A Sudan People's Liberation Movement-North rebel soldier looks out toward Talodi in South Kordofan (AFP)
The Sudan People's Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N) repulsed Sudanese soldiers and militiamen from an outpost in Alrum, Blue Nile, on Monday morning.
The movement's spokesman stated that the raid resulted in wounding a rebel fighter. They were unable to verify casualties from the government's side.
“The raid is just hours after the ruling National Congress Party declared a so-called extension of a ceasefire for six months,” the short press statement concluded. President Omar Al Bashir announced the extension of the unilateral ceasefire for the Darfur region and South Kordofan and Blue Nile on Sunday.
The ceasefire extension is not the first in its kind as both Al Bashir as the armed movements extended their cessation of hostilities several times throughout 2016. The rebels have accused the Sudanese military of violating Al Bashir's ceasefire more than once.
Last week, the SPLM-N claimed that its forces came under attack by the Sudanese army in the same area in El Tadamon locality, but that the fighting subdued after they repulsed the military forces. 

Help us as Fung Association and donate 5 dollars to build school for the displaced persons victim of civil war in South Blue Nile through our Fung Association representitive Abdelazim GomaaIBAN CODE IT31R0760101600001040808527   Code BIC/SWIFT  BPPIITRRXXX  CIN RABI 07601  CAB 01600 N. of account 1040808527