martedì 10 aprile 2018

Splm - North in South of Blue Nile State.

SPLM-N: 'Sudan soldiers repulsed from Blue Nile outpost'

January 17 - 2017 EL TADAMON
A Sudan People's Liberation Movement-North rebel soldier looks out toward Talodi in South Kordofan (AFP)
A Sudan People's Liberation Movement-North rebel soldier looks out toward Talodi in South Kordofan (AFP)
The Sudan People's Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N) repulsed Sudanese soldiers and militiamen from an outpost in Alrum, Blue Nile, on Monday morning.
The movement's spokesman stated that the raid resulted in wounding a rebel fighter. They were unable to verify casualties from the government's side.
“The raid is just hours after the ruling National Congress Party declared a so-called extension of a ceasefire for six months,” the short press statement concluded. President Omar Al Bashir announced the extension of the unilateral ceasefire for the Darfur region and South Kordofan and Blue Nile on Sunday.
The ceasefire extension is not the first in its kind as both Al Bashir as the armed movements extended their cessation of hostilities several times throughout 2016. The rebels have accused the Sudanese military of violating Al Bashir's ceasefire more than once.
Last week, the SPLM-N claimed that its forces came under attack by the Sudanese army in the same area in El Tadamon locality, but that the fighting subdued after they repulsed the military forces. 

Help us as Fung Association and donate 5 dollars to build school for the displaced persons victim of civil war in South Blue Nile through our Fung Association representitive Abdelazim GomaaIBAN CODE IT31R0760101600001040808527   Code BIC/SWIFT  BPPIITRRXXX  CIN RABI 07601  CAB 01600 N. of account 1040808527

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