sabato 29 marzo 2014

Agreement ..... that is good.



South Sudan government, Yau Yau group reach peace agreement

March 28, 2014 (ADDIS ABABA) - The South Sudanese government and the South Sudan Democratic Movement – Cobra Faction (SSDM-Cobra faction) of David Yau Yau initialled a peace deal on Friday ending a 4 year rebellion in Jongeli state.

In accordance with the draft peace agreement brokered by the South Sudanese church a special territorial administration called Greater Pibor Administrative Area (GPAA) will be established in Pibor enabling the Murle ethnic group to manage the pasture and water sources in the region.

The government chief negotiator, Canon Clement Janda, said the Administrative Area will be based on the principle of decentralisation of government in the country.

He further said the National Legislature shall determine legal position of the area and ensure proper implementation of the agreement.

The Greater Pibor Administrative Area shall be governed by a Chief Administrator whose status will be equal to that of a state governor.

The rebels initially demanded a the creation of a new state in the largest and most populous state in South Sudan, where different pastoral groups belonging to different tribes share the same territory.

The top rebel negotiator Lt. Gen. Boutros Khalid told Sudan tribune that his group is committed to the peace agreement with the government.

The deal reached under the auspices of the South Sudanese Church Leaders Mediation Initiative (CLMI) ends the latest among a series of conflicts caused by the general elections of 2010 before the independence of South Sudan.

After April 2010 election, South Sudan witnessed the emergence of several small rebel groups including George Athur, David Yau Yau both in Jonglei state, Gatluak Gai in Unity, and Shilluk commanders Johnson Olony and Alyuak Ogot in Upper Nile.

The deputy head of the South Sudanese government delegation to the peace process, Lawrence Korbandy, said six counties will be established in the Greater Pibor Administration Area.

Speaking to Sudan tribune; Korbandy underlined that this territorial process will be implemented through consultations with existing administrative entities (Payams or Bomas) with the view to upgrading them into full county administration.

He further said that the initialled agreement will be pending for approval by the rebel leader and relevant authority in Juba.

The agreement provides to create a development fund for the new entity annexed directly to the presidency. Also, the parties agreed to implement a set of security arrangements through a technical committee s yet to be formed by both parties.

The deal also includes a power sharing chapter providing to increase Murle representation in the national parliament. Until the organization of the elections and the creation of new electoral constituencies the president shall appoint a number of GPAA citizens in the legislative assembly.

Also, in line with the peace agreement, the government will appoint some members of the former rebel group as presidential advisers, ministers, deputy ministers, chairpersons, members of specialised institutions and commissions, and ambassadors and diplomats.


Yau Yau rebels demand new state in Jonglei

giovedì 27 marzo 2014

Off limite.

Sudan Waives Visa Requirement for UAE Businessmen

KHARTOUM – The Sudanese Minister of Finance Badr Al-Deen Mahmoud announced the exemption of businessmen and investors in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) from the need to obtain entry visa and said they will be allowed to settle in the country for extended periods of time.

He said during a meeting with senior officials of the Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce and Industry on Tuesday that the move was intended to facilitate the work of UAE businessmen and contribute to the success of their projects and supporting them to ensure the continued progress of their projects.

Mahmoud briefed the delegation on the facilities and services offered by his country for investors and called on them to boost their investments especially in the fields of agriculture, mining and infrastructure.

He pointed out that the investment law in Sudan offers tariff exemptions for equipment imports and that lands for the establishment of projects are sold for a nominal fee.

The Sudanese Minister praised the role played by the UAE companies in the process of economic development in the country through the establishment of projects and strengthening infrastructure.

The 1st VP of Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce and Industry Khalfan Saeed al-Kaabi expressed the interest of UAE companies to promote investments in Sudan.

He said that the UAE’s economic relations with Sudan have greatly improved and that Sudan now occupies an advanced rank in the list of major Arab trading partners of the UAE.

Al-Kaabi also noted that the two countries have signed a number of agreements and memorandums of understanding that contribute to the strengthening of economic relations, including the Convention on the establishment of a free trade zone and an agreement to avoid double taxation on income and a memorandum of understanding on investment promotion and protection.

He went on to say that Sudan has always been the favorite investment choice for UAE companies due their faith in the opportunities available in this market noting that there are 11 major UAE corporations and institutions in the Sudanese market including National Bank of Abu Dhabi (NBAD), Emirates Telecommunications Corporation (Etisalat), al-Etihad Cement Company, Gulf Pharmaceutical Industries, Rotana Hotels and Dubai Investments in addition to the Abu Dhabi Fund for Development

By ST, 21 hours 11 minutes ago

lunedì 24 marzo 2014

Yau Yau!!!



Yau Yau rebels demand new state in Jonglei

March 23, 2014 (ADDIS ABABA) - Yau Yau rebel group has demanded to establish a new state for the Murle tribe in South Sudan to better protect their pasture land and herds of livestock in the immense Jonglei state.

Delegation from the South Sudanese government and David Yau Yau rebel group resumed the South Sudanese church brokered peace talks in the Ethiopian capital on Thursday with observers from the European Union (EU) and United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS).

The chief negotiator of the rebel South Sudan Democratic Movement – Cobra Faction (SSDM-Cobra faction), Gen. Khalid Burtous, demanded to create a new state in the current Pipbor county in Jonglei state and to establish a development funds for the area.

Since the independence of South Sudan the Murle clashed several times with the Lou Nuer who share the same pasture and water sources. In 2012 and 2013 hundreds of Murle were killed during tribal clashes and other thousands fled the region to protect their lives.

The Murles, like other minority groups, say that their interests are not being represented within the new nation of South Sudan which declared its independence in July 2011.

The government delegation in its response to the rebel demands, on Friday, proposed to create additional counties in the greater Pibor County and to maintain the current boundary of the county as it was on the January 1, 1956.

The head of the government negotiating team, Canon Clement Janda, said the current Payams and Bomas in Pibor county can be upgrade into full county administration, provided that county creation set forth in the South Sudan Local Government Act. 2009 is adhered to.

Janda further said the governance structure shall be established with a Chief Administrator and his Two (2) assistants, adding that this chief administrator shall appoint commissioners to the newly established counties.

He further said that the government will taken into consideration the demand for development fund and pledged to file a proposal for establishment of a special development fund to be administrated by a body headed by a coordinator within the office of the president of the republic.

The chief mediator, Bishop Paride Taban adjourned the talks to Monday announcing that the rebel delegation will give its position on the government proposal on Monday.

The SSDM Cobra-faction, was a faction of the SSDM which was established in 2010 by the late general George Athor.

Like Athor, Yau Yau rebelled against South Sudan’s ruling party after losing the 2010 elections to represent the Gumuruk–Boma constituency in Pibor county at the Jonglei state assembly.

In 2011, the trained pastor signed a peace deal with the government and joined the South Sudanese army (SPLA) and was made a General despite his lack of military experience.

However, Yau Yau rebelled again in April 2012. He blamed the government for halting the disarmament process after collecting arms from his former fighters, as they remained exposed to attacks by the other ethnic groups, particularly the Lou Nuer.


South Sudanese government, Yau Yau rebels sign ceasefire