lunedì 16 ottobre 2017


Floods leave thousands homeless in Sudan

Sudanese floodsFrom RAJI BASHIR in Khartoum, Sudan
KHARTOUM, (CAJ News) – HEAVY rains and flooding have left about 100 000 people homeless in the unstable Sudan.
Children already bearing the brunt of the conflict are worst affected,
constituting 52 000 of the displaced civilians in Gezira, Kassala, Sennar,
North Kordofan, South Darfur, West Darfur and White Nile.
Some 19 000 houses have been destroyed.
The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has intervened following the destruction.
The agency is intensifying distribution of latrine slabs, soap, chlorine
tablets and scaled up hygiene promotion, solid waste management and water quality monitoring activities.
In conflict-prone Sudan, heavy rains and floods constitute a seasonal
threat putting children’s lives at risk of epidemics.
“The rains are also hampering the delivery of essential supplies and
services to vulnerable communities,” said a UNICEF spokesperson.
The inclement weather exacerbates an already dire situation in the East
African country of 40 million people.
Some 163 severely acutely malnourished children were last month admitted for treatment.
A cholera outbreak continues to affect especially women and children in
all 18 states.
Malnutrition, lack of improved water sources, open defecation and frequent human mobility are some of the main catalysts.
Donors have contributed more than US$ 27 million (R365 million) to
alleviate the plight of children, which is only 39 percent of required
– CAJ News

Collected arms.

North Darfur sets ultimatum for voluntary handover of illegal arms


A Sudanese soldier collects weapons voluntarily surrendered by residents in South Darfur State, Sudan, on Sept. 23, 2017 (Xinhua photo)
October 15, 2017 (EL-FASHER) - The locality of El-Fasher, North Darfur capital said next Thursday would be the last day for the voluntary handover of illegal arms before the start of the forcible collection of weapons.
The commissioner of El-Fasher locality Al-Tijani Abdallah Salih Sunday told reporters that they have assigned three centres for the voluntary handover of weapons within the locality.
He said the voluntary handover of arms would begin on Sunday and until Thursday, pointing that the forcible collection of weapons would start immediately after the end of the specified period.
Salih called upon the residents to rush to hand over their weapons to the specified centres, demanding them to support the relevant committee and notify it about any illegal arms in the locality.
He stressed that the security organs at all levels are ready to carry out the forcible collection of arms and control any negative phenomena.
Last August, the Sudanese government launched a six-month disarmament campaign to eliminate weapons in the conflict-affected areas in Sudan, particularly in Darfur region.
The Sudanese authorities say the spread of weapons among the rival tribes in the region is one of the main causes of Darfur’s instability.
However, some tribal leaders, such as Musa Hilal refuse to hand over their arms and defy the government. Observers fear that the mandatory phase of the campaign would generate armed clashes in the region between his militia and the government forces.
North Darfur state recently witnessed a recrudescence of violence and kidnapping of foreign aid workers
Last week, North Darfur Governor Abdel Wahid Youssef Nahar welcomed the arrival of 10,000 elements from the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in his state saying the will contribute to establishing security in the troubled state.
The 10,000 militiamen are also expected to participate in the mandatory phase of the weapon collection operation.

Why not UNITY.

Sudan: New Sudan People's Liberation Movement-North Head El Hilu Calls for Unity

Kauda — In his first speech after his election as president of the Sudan People's Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N) Abdel Aziz El Hilu has announced his commitment to the unity of the Movement, and called for focusing on the factors of unity and rejecting the causes of disagreement.
He praised the Extraordinary General Conference, held in Kauda in the Nuba Mountains of South Kordofan, which lasted from Sunday until Thursday, for recognition of the right of self-determination as a human and legal right for people.
He called for the need for self-reliance and said that the civil national executive administration bodies in South Kordofan and Blue Nile states are expected to develop unified programmes and policies on the basis of the vision of the new Sudan.
The Extraordinary General Conference affirmed that the right of self-determination remains, as a means to achieve the group's aspiration for a multicultural and plural nation in Sudan. The members agreed on the need to develop the capacities of a rebel army through an enhanced training and to "continue military operations against the enemy through regular battles to maintain the momentum of the war".