giovedì 26 maggio 2011

Every where is war in the west war also in the south!!!!!!!!!!

Traduzione da arabo verso italiano

Fuoco su quattro elicotteri delle Nazioni Unite in Abyei

Targeted Martedì pomeriggio ripresa quattro elicotteri appartenenti alla missione delle Nazioni Unite in Sudan come è stato lasciato la sua base nella città di Abyei, secondo una dichiarazione delle Nazioni Unite ha ricevuto Mercoledì.

La stessa fonte ha detto che "l'elicottero che trasportava la squadra proprio non ha colpito e riuscì ad atterrare in sicurezza."

Ha detto che le Nazioni Unite che "l'incendio è stato circa 14 volte da diverse località vicino alla missione delle Nazioni Unite apparente complessa".

La zona contesa di Abyei, al confine tra Nord e Sud Sudan, occupata dalle truppe del nord dal Sabato.

Le forze serbatoio sequestrato nord di Abyei, in violazione degli accordi di pace che pose fine del 2005 la guerra civile tra il nord arabo musulmano e il sud cristiano. Fornito più di 15 mila persone in fuga dai combattimenti ad Abyei dal Sabato, come le Nazioni Unite ha annunciato.

Ha detto il presidente sudanese Omar al-Bashir il Martedì che l'esercito sudanese non si ritireranno dalla città di Abyei, dicendo che era "la terra del Nord"nella comunità internazionale, chiedendo il ritiro delle forze del nord.

Traduzione da arabo verso inglese
Fire on four helicopters to the United Nations in Abyei

Targeted shooting Tuesday afternoon four helicopters belonging to the United Nations Mission in Sudan as it was leaving its base in the town of Abyei, according to a UN statement received Wednesday.

The same source said that "the helicopter carrying the crew just did not hit and managed to land safely."

She said the United Nations that "the fire was about 14 times from several locations close to the apparent complex UN mission."

The disputed area of Abyei, on the border between North and South Sudan, occupied by northern troops since Saturday.

The tank forces seized the north of Abyei, in violation of the peace accords that ended the 2005 civil war between the Arab Muslim north and Christian south. Provided more than 15 thousand people fleeing the fighting in Abyei since Saturday as the United Nations announced.

He said Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir on Tuesday that the Sudanese army will not withdraw from the city of Abyei, saying it was "the land of the Northern" in the international community demanding the withdrawal of northern forces.

mercoledì 25 maggio 2011

Two nations and one problem....Due stati ma unica problema!!

Governatore della Banca centrale del Sudan, il primo dice che la separazione "shock economico"
Considerato l'ex governatore della Banca centrale del Sudan secessione Sabir Mohamed Hassan di shock Sudan meridionale Aqsadip emerge dalle situazioni descritte come grave, sottolineando l'impatto della separazione sulla stabilità dell'economia.

Ha predetto Mohammed al-Hassan ha detto che oltre la separazione shock della crisi finanziaria globale, sottolineando che il recente "passaggio", mentre shock separazione sostenibile, prevista diminuzione del prodotto nazionale lordo del 20%, vicino al entrate pubbliche colpite è aumentato del 50%, il verificarsi di un improvviso calo della valuta estera, chiedendo che la guida nei negoziati tra le due parti per costruire due delle possibilità di vitale crescita economica, e ha aggiunto, "i due paesi che non hanno collaborato, i due saranno influenzati negativamente, e non ci è perdente e lavoratore in caso di non-cooperazione", chiedendo la ristrutturazione dell'economia sudanese.

Chiamato Saber in un workshop sul (la sostenibilità della pace dopo la separazione), sulla necessità di alleggerire il debito estero, sottolineando che il Sudan è fortemente indebitata per respingere le istituzioni internazionali ha portato la causa a moltiplicarsi.

E la condizione del rappresentante del sollevamento dell'Unione europea Vassell Terra di sanzioni, la riduzione del debito per il Sudan per raggiungere un accordo e le intese con lo Stato del Sud, ha criticato il ministero degli Esteri misericordia sottosegretario di Allah, Mohammad Othman, la comunità internazionale, che ha detto di fare pressioni sul Sudan per porre fine le questioni in sospeso prima del nono mese di luglio, e diversi è "sleale.


Governor of Central Bank of Sudan, the former says that the separation "economic shock"
Governor considered the former Central Bank of Sudan Sabir Mohamed Hassan secession of southern Sudan shock Aqsadip emerge from the circumstances described as serious, stressing the impact of separation on the stability of the economy.

He predicted Mohammed al-Hassan said more than shock separation global financial crisis, pointing out that the recent "passing", while shock separation sustainable, and expected decline in gross national product by 20% next to the affected government revenues increased by 50%, the occurrence of a sudden drop in foreign currencies, demanding that the lead in negotiations between the two sides to build two of the possibilities of viable economic growth, and added, "the two countries that did not cooperate, the both will be affected negatively, and there is no loser and earner in the case of non-cooperation," calling for the restructuring of the Sudanese economy.

Called Saber in a workshop on (the sustainability of peace after separation) on the need to relieve the external debt, stressing that Sudan is heavily indebted to reject international institutions brought the cause to multiply.

And condition of the representative of the European Union Vassell Land lifting of sanctions, debt relief for Sudan to reach an agreement and understandings with the State of the South, it criticized the Foreign Ministry Undersecretary mercy of Allah, Mohammad Othman, the international community, who said he put pressure on Sudan to end the outstanding issues before the ninth of July, and several is "unfair.

martedì 24 maggio 2011

Darfur oh Darfur!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Peacekeeping forces: 10 killed in Darfur by air bombardment
She said the international peacekeeping force in western Sudan that Khartoum launched air strikes on villages in Darfur last week, citing a host population that more than a dozen people were killed in the attacks.

The violence has subsided in Darfur, which has faced a rebellion when rebels from African government troops backed by Arab militias, mostly after it peaked in 2003 and 2004, but the escalation in attacks since December has forced tens of thousands to flee.

And confirmed periodically from the peacekeeping force composed of forces from the United Nations and the African Union and the attacks on May 18, on two villages in northern Darfur.

The peacekeeping force said in a statement, "according to the population resulted in the attacks killed more than ten people," adding that the two villages are located to the north-east of the town of El Fasher.

The peacekeeping force has said that government planes launched strikes on May 18 on a village northeast of El Fasher, a third as well. She said there were no reports of casualties.

There was no immediate official comment. The peacekeeping force has also said that more than a thousand ex-combatants are preparing to hand over their weapons in a disarmament campaign that began on Saturday in Nyala, South Darfur.

Qatar hosted peace talks on Darfur were disrupted as a result of differences between the rebels and the continuation of military operations on the ground as it re-Khartoum gradually assert control over the major towns and other areas of the rebels were taking previously.

The International Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant for Sudanese President Omar Hassan al-Bashir on charges of masterminding genocide and war crimes in Darfur. The United Nations says that 300 thousand people were killed during the conflict and Sudan says the death toll at ten thousand.

forze di pace: 10 morti in Darfur dal bombardamento aereo
Ha detto che la forza internazionale di pace in Sudan occidentale che Khartoum ha lanciato attacchi aerei sui villaggi nel Darfur la scorsa settimana, citando una popolazione ospite che più di una dozzina di persone sono state uccise negli attacchi.

La violenza si è placata nel Darfur, che ha dovuto affrontare una ribellione quando i ribelli da truppe governative africane sostenuta da milizie arabe, soprattutto dopo che ha raggiunto un picco nel 2003 e nel 2004, ma l'escalation di attacchi da dicembre ha costretto decine di migliaia a fuggire.

E confermata periodicamente dalla forza di peacekeeping composta da forze delle Nazioni Unite e dell'Unione Africana e gli attacchi il 18 maggio, in due villaggi nel nord Darfur.

La forza di pace ha detto in una dichiarazione, "secondo la popolazione provocato gli attacchi hanno ucciso più di dieci persone", aggiungendo che i due villaggi sono situati a nord-est della città di El Fasher.

La forza di pace ha detto che il governo ha lanciato attacchi aerei il 18 maggio in un villaggio a nord-est di El Fasher, un terzo pure. Ha detto che non ci sono notizie di vittime.

Non c'era nessun commento ufficiale immediato. La forza di mantenimento della pace ha anche detto che oltre un migliaio di ex-combattenti che si preparano a consegnare le armi in una campagna di disarmo che ha avuto inizio il Sabato a Nyala, Sud Darfur.

Qatar ha ospitato i colloqui di pace sul Darfur si sono interrotti a causa delle differenze tra i ribelli e il proseguimento delle operazioni militari sul terreno come re-Khartoum affermare gradatamente il controllo sulle città principali e in altre aree dei ribelli stavano prendendo in precedenza.

La Corte penale internazionale ha emesso un mandato d'arresto per il presidente sudanese Omar Hassan al-Bashir con l'accusa di aver architettato genocidio e crimini di guerra in Darfur. Le Nazioni Unite dicono che 300 mila persone sono state uccise durante il conflitto e il Sudan, dice il bilancio dei morti a diecimila.

lunedì 23 maggio 2011

War evry where is war!!!

Darfur: Darfur Rebels in South Sudan…Tools for Future War
Posted on Monday, May 23 @ 00:10:00 UTC by admin

Cautious tactic
Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) capitalized on tension that erupted between the government and Darfur rebels, signatory to peace agreement.

After the general elections of 2010 these rebels lost many political positions, especially Mini Arku Minawi who is no longer holding the post of senior assistant to the president, Abulgasim Imam, former governor of West Darfur. The Movement (SPLM) put out bait for them to gain their support in its political campaign for south Sudan secession in the referendum, January 2011.

As a matter of fact, Minawi after losing control over his fighters and failing to gather them for reintegration process was quick to flee to Juba. Mr. Imam refused to be sworn in for state minister for youth and sports and preferred to travel accompanied by his stepson, Abdu Ashafie, and stay in Juba.

The presence of Darfur rebels in the south raises a lot of questions. Their position with SPLM remains ambiguous as SPLM is looking at perspectives of relations with North Sudan, which officially declared its support to the government of south Sudan in its quest for establishing well structured state.

It did not take long before SPLM in northern Sudan began to play a great role in fueling conflict over the region of Abyei, oil and currency, which was evident in its electoral campaign in South Kordufan. Things clearly got worse in the wake of Pagan Amum’s recent statements in which he accused the government in the north of supporting rebel factions within Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA).

All said new developments in South Sudan’s government relations with its northern neighbor prompted the SPLA have begun to court Darfur rebels to use them as pressure tool to disturb Khartoum. On their part, the Darfur rebels have found accommodation and arms. But, the question is how would the situation look like after declaration of South Sudan breakaway?

Attempts to revive rebellion

In 2008 there was a call by SPLM for unifying Darfur rebel movements; however, Khartoum declined to comment on such call. The SPLM hawks attempted to bring the rebel together to Juba conference, which was ambiguous. Abdul Wahid apologized to attend the conference but his former deputy, Khamis Abdallah Abakar was present at the conference in Juba. He came to Juba from his residence in some Asmara suburbs accompanied an intelligence officer, field officers such as Sidiq Masalit, who refused to work under the command of Ahmed Abdulshafie; regrettably he was assassinated by SPLM intelligence together with a group of Darfurians. As the result, the vision for unifying the ranks of Darfur rebels died.

Attempts to revive rebellion renewed in the wake of the general elections of 2010 and before the South Sudan Referendum. Sudan People’s Liberation Movement wooed Minawi as well as a group of his fighters, notably his chief commander Jumaa Mohamed Hagar, chief of staff Mohamedain Bashar; besides political leaders including Ali Nazayo, former Member of Parliament, Dr. Arrayah Mahmoud, Minawi’s deputy chairman, Abdel Aziz Osman Sam, legal advisor for the movement, in order to mount pressure on Khartoum government to yield to south Sudan secession. On the contrary, the government in Khartoum was not in need of such pressure as the entire world testified to its fairness in respect of holding the referendum and accepting the result, which SPLM and its allies abroad had been working for.

Allies of evil

It is the SPLM’s allies abroad who are issuing orders to SPLM. Unfortunately, SPLM succumbs to such orders even if they are against the interests of southern citizens simply because SPLM is the product of foreign allies who pained a lot and now they want be paid back. These foreign allies involve intelligence agents and foreign organizations; but most notably the United State of America, Israel and Uganda, which worked as a bridge to ensure foreign supplies and support for the SPLM, as strong US ally in the region manifested in the United States African Command (AfRICOM). Cooperation between Uganda and South Sudan was evident in the visit of Uganda’s chief of staff to Juba at the behest of SPLM to be involved in quelling breakaway militias by specifying their strong holds in order to launch military attacks on them by Ugandan Air Force. This comes at a time Israeli delegation visited Juba on March 3011 to provide necessary support to the government of south Sudan. The two sides reached an agreement where the Israeli side would provide humanitarian support to SPLM, a $30 in military support to the movement’s operation in Abyei area; in addition to opening a security office to follow up on the situation in the region.

Needless to state conflict of US-Israeli and Chinese –French interests in the region, where Uganda is playing a leading role to guide SPLM. Under current regional developments, the Zionist State heavily relies on countries like Ethiopia, Uganda and Kenya to impose strong security belt on Sudan and Egypt, on one hand, and secure the Red Sea through military bases on the Eritrean islands of Fatma, on the other.

Moreover, Israel designs to impose a belt on Sudan and Egypt to control the Nile waters by erecting dams to distract these countries from Israeli expansion in Palestinian, Lebanese and may be Syrian territories if security and humanitarian situation continues to deteriorate in Syria. Expanding trade exchange with Africa is a matter of paramount importance for Israel, especially under ongoing turmoil in the Arab world in the wake of popular uprisings in some Arab countries.

As for the US, it is sole motive is oil. Recently, reports were leaked about US –Chinese conflict over southern Sudan oil. It was reported that Chinese oil companies had signed agreements with the government of south Sudan; in addition to US support to construct a pipeline to transport oil through Kenya to the Indian Ocean.

It regrettable that the government of South Sudan is more keen on serving US, Israeli and Ugandan interest rather than the historic interests of its own people with North Sudan. It has begun to court these countries and become hostile to the north with no clear reason. The SPLM already started to arm Darfur rebels to prepare them for moving to Darfur, a sign of a new war, especially the government through its shuffle diplomacy managed to cut supply lines coming from Chad, the Republic of Central Africa, while Libya in its turn cut off supplies coming from its soil. The Darfur rebels have been left with no options but resort to South Sudan for support and safe havens in case Sudan Army cracks down on them.