sabato 6 settembre 2014

WAIT AND SEE ...... anglosaxone probnerb......!!!

Alrakubh unique signature of an agreement to publish dialogue committee 7 +7 representatives of the Paris Declaration and the testimony of President Thabo Mbeki

09-05-2014 01:31 PM

Alrakubh: Abdulwahab Hemmat

After constructive negotiations with a delegation of mediation under the auspices of the President of the dialogue mechanism President Thabo Mbeki and the mediation team in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa on the fifth of September 2014 AD was the dawn of the day Friday the fifth of Spettmbraltoukaa agreements set to dialogue committee 7 plus 7 and a declaration of Paris was signed for the first Dr. Ghazi Salah Eddin, head of the reform movement now, and Mr. Ahmed Saad Omar and witnessed the signing of President Thabo Mbeki Chairman of the dialogue mechanism

By another agreement was signed testament to the national dialogue and the process of constitutional construction and delegated representatives to sign on behalf of the Paris Declaration, Mr. Sadiq al-Mahdi of the Umma Party Chairman, Mr. Chairman Malik Agar Revolutionary Front.

It is worth mentioning that these parties have signed each of them individually hand. The parties agreed on the two agreements signed in the following:

First: a comprehensive political solution is the best option to resolve all the problems of Sudan

Second: stop the war and the declaration of a cease-fire and to address the humanitarian situation must be the highest priority in the operations to rebuild trust

Third, ensure freedoms and basic human rights and the release of political detainees and Almatkulaian convicts priority is to build confidence and create a communication

Fourthly, we must begin to dialogue and constitutional process after laying the groundwork, rules and procedures that will be under the dialogue.

Fifth: All the participants in the dialogue to them the freedom to express their attitudes and opinions

Sixth: dialogue must be according to a timetable agreed upon.

Seventh: Safeguards must be available for the implementation of the outputs of dialogue and Banna Oualdsturi

Eighth: the need for the participation of all parties to ensure reaching a national consensus

Delegated representatives of the Commission for 7 plus 7

Mr. Ahmed Saad Omar

Dr. Ghazi Salahuddin Atabani


President Thabo Mbeki

Head of GM's high-

And level of the African Union

African Union

Follow-up mechanism and the implementation of high-level

The second agreement was signed between the forces of the Paris Declaration and the testimony of President Mbeki

Agreement on the national dialogue and the constitutional process

After constructive negotiations with a delegation of mediation under the auspices of the President of the mechanism President Thabo Mbeki and the mediation team in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa on September 5, 2014 AD, the undersigned acknowledged as follows: -

First: a comprehensive political solution is the best option to resolve all the problems of Sudan

Second: stop the war and the declaration of a cease-fire and to address the humanitarian situation must be the highest priority in the operations to rebuild trust

Third, ensure freedoms and basic human rights and the release of political detainees and Almatkulaian convicts priority is to build confidence and create a communication

Fourthly, we must begin to dialogue and constitutional process after laying the groundwork, rules and procedures that will be under the dialogue.

Fifth: All the participants in the dialogue to them the freedom to express their attitudes and opinions

Sixth: dialogue must be according to a timetable agreed upon.

Seventh: Safeguards must be available for the implementation of the outputs of dialogue and constitutional Banna

Eighth: the need for the participation of all parties to ensure reaching a national consensus

Signed by representatives of all the forces of the Paris Declaration

Mr. Sadiq al-Mahdi head of the National Umma Party

Commander Air Chairman Malik Agar Sudanese Revolutionary Front


President Thabo Mbeki

Chairman of the mechanism of high-

Level of the African Union

lunedì 1 settembre 2014

No Peace.... nothing forward.


News Monday 1 September 2014

SPLM-N says AU failed to call for new round of negotiations with Khartoum

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August 31, 2014 (KHARTOUM) – The Sudan people’s Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N) has dismissed statements by a Sudanese official saying the rebel group had declined an invitation to resume peace talks aimed at ending conflict in the Two Areas.

SPLM-N secretary-general and chief negotiator speaks at the opening session of peace talks in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, on 13 February 2014 (Photo: AUHIP) Sudanese presidential assistant and head of the government negotiating delegation, Ibrahim Ghandour on Saturday said that the SPLM refused the resumption of negotiations.

However, SPLM-N spokesperson Mubarak Ardol decried these claims, stressing that all what they received from the African Union mediation was an invitation for a consultation meeting on the national dialogue.

“We reiterate that the African Union High Level Implementation Panel (AUHIP) did not call to hold a new round of talks between the SPLM-N and the National Congress Party (NCP) but extended an invitation to the Sudanese Revolutionary Front (SRF), as one organisation, and the president of the National Umma Party Mr. Sadiq al-Mahdi to meet them,” Ardol said.

The rebel official further said that Ghandour is displeased by this recognition, and regretted that such attempt to misinform the Sudanese people comes from the chief negotiator.

Rebel delegations are in Addis Ababa for consultation meetings with the African Union officials over the national dialogue and ways to consider their participation in this process.

Sudanese government officials announced their keenness to involve rebel groups in the dialogue process.

They said this participation can come after the signing of a peace agreement in separate talks in Addis and Doha. If the rebel refuse the first option they can directly join the internal process where they can discuss peace and constitutional reforms in the framework of the national dialogue conference.

In a roadmap proposed in April, the rebel SRF demands a cessation of hostility, and talks on a framework for this process outside Sudan. However, the government proposes they come inside the country with international guarantee.

Khartoum see that a permanent ceasefire agreement should be negotiated before peace talks and rejects the idea of a cessation of hostilities, saying it allows rebels to prepare for a new war.

It is not clear if the AUHIP will invite the government and SPLM-N to meet again after the suspension of talks last April.

During a recent visit to the Sudanese capital, AUHIP chief said he and Darfur joint mediator Mohamed Ibn Chambas would consult the Qatari government on a new approach agreed with the government over the inclusion of rebels in the national dialogue.

Sudanese officials emphasised that Mbeki’s role will be restricted to monitoring the inter-Sudanese process.


Sudan says rebels rejected African Union invitation to resume talks on Two Areas