giovedì 5 luglio 2012

Bashir will flee to one of the countries that do not deal with the extradition treaty.

Experts: Sudanese demonstrations Stasv system Amralbshir .. Bashir will flee to one of the countries that do not deal with the extradition treaty «Dr. Raafat Iglal , a professor of political science,» 07-05-2012 08:38 AM Scene - Mohamed Khairy Cairo: d Aa the Egyptian Communist Party and the Sudanese opposition in Cairo yesterday to a protest in front of the Sudanese Embassy in Cairo to protest the violence taking place in Sudan. And Dr Hani Raslan, an expert on Sudanese affairs, that the events that have a resonance is indeed what is happening in Sudan .. He pointed out that the protests did not develop to the level of the Arab Spring .. He pointed out that the significance lies in breaking the barrier of fear among the citizens. Raslan said in a telephone conversation with the "scene" that the protests of a special nature and different tactic lies in the protesters sit in different places and not in the yard or field for a given strain the security forces. Ruslan and hinted that the opposition began to attract the largest number of groups to demonstrate .. He explained that President Bashir has a political legitimacy and the failure to achieve peace and national development and that Bashir wanted the citizens to pay for system errors. In the same context, stressed Dr. respect Rafat, professor of political science, that the situation in Sudan began to worsen and that the protests began before the Arab spring until I got to the point raised Sudanese street, and led him to protest, pointing out that the movements of austerity was "the straw that broke the camel's back" confirmed that the Bashir regime failed politically in the management of the state and failed to address the border crisis after the independence of the South. According to Rafat, a expert in the affairs of Sudan, saying: "There are cracks in the home and I expect to leave the Bashir government, but we do not know if he would leave out of conviction or by forming a coalition government," citing fear Al Bashir from prosecution and criminal, who will be tempted to escape to one of the countries which does not deal with the extradition treaty. She emphasized that the main demand of the protests is not a drop-Bashir and the establishment of political reforms because the opposition has lost hope in political and economic reform that will not heal the desire of the Sudanese people.

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