venerdì 25 gennaio 2013

350 civil associations in Africa: Stop the war in Kordofan and Blue Nile.

Sudan. 350 civil associations in Africa: Stop the war in Kordofan and Blue Nile Stop the war between the Sudanese army and SPLM-N (Sudan People's Liberation Movement-North) in South Kordofan and Blue Nile is the appeal launched by 350 groups of African civil society on the eve of the summit ' African Union dedicated to the Sudan, which opens today in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. In his appeal - to Fides news agency - the coalition of civil society points out that more than 18 months over 700 thousand civilians, mostly women, children and the elderly, living in precarious conditions in the territories held by rebels in South Kordofan and Blue Nile, subjected to bombing the Sudanese Air Force. The coalition calls on African leaders to act decisively and stop to end the violence in the war and avoid losing an entire generation of children. The signatories called for the cessation of hostilities, the ability to bring humanitarian assistance without ties to all civilians in need, and direct talks between the two parties to resolve their disputes peacefully. The conflict in South Kordofan and Blue Nile is one of the forgotten wars of Africa and the world. Last November, Msgr. Macram Max Gassis, Bishop of El Obeid, in an interview with Fides had launched a dramatic appeal to remember the victims of the civil Clouds Mountains, which are part of South Kordofan. (R.P.) Only 50% of girls in developing countries concludes the primary school, a little girl of 5 and 'denied the right to attend secondary school, 90% of girls between 12 and 17 years must give education to help the family are some of the data in the report, 2012 "The status of girls in the world" presented Wednesday in Rome, Italy as part of Plan International campaign on behalf of children deprived of their rights and quality education '. The research organization - the news agency Ansa - shows that, compared to males, females have a much better chance 'of dropping out: the point of no return' represented by the attainment of puberty 'that often leads to marriage and pregnancy early, violence and sexual abuse. Currently, a child of seven countries in the developing world and 'forced to marry before age 15, some even 5 years. Early marriages expose them to the risk of contracting diseases such as HIV and have early pregnancy is the leading cause of death for girls between 15 and 19 years (every minute dies giving birth to a girl). Still, one in four has suffered psychological violence and sexual abuse before age 18, at school, and all that 'reduces the chance' to continue studying. Compounding the situation of girls, underscores the relationship, female genital mutilation (FGM), which continue to alienate thousands of girls from school each year due to health problems due to the intervention and especially 'cause after the mutilation, are ready to be given in marriage. Worldwide, more than 140 million girls and women are living the consequences of female genital mutilation, practiced without their permission and often against their will. ' After the UN resolution that banned the mutilation, many countries have outlawed, others have included in the Criminal Code but many do not and 'will be no penalty. (R.P.) Last Updated: January 25

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