martedì 15 luglio 2014

Bashir followed the past of Sudan.

The effects of the oldest in the history of war in Sudan

07-14-2014 10:15 PM

French scientists discovered, working in collaboration with the British Museum, the remains of what they believe the skeletons of the oldest ethnic war in history, which may be broke by more than 13 thousand years on the edge of the Sahara in northern Sudan.

The scientists discovered that the effects that appear dead, most of them died because of arrows made of flint, that the bones discovered in Mount companions, on the east bank of the River Nile in northern Sudan, is a guide who discovers what may be considered the oldest armed conflict in human history.

Over the past two years, scientists have discovered anthropology from the University of Bordeaux French dozens of arrowheads and fragments of bones about the victims. There are also many similar effects that were found near the area in the sixties of the last century, which was re-examined again using the sophisticated technology that were not available when he discovered the bones prominent American archaeologist Fred Androf in 1964.

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