lunedì 7 luglio 2014


Cairo Airport authorities arrest Sudanese diplomat trying to smuggle thousands of dollars inside a garbage bag

07-07-2014 09:06 AM

Alrakubh media sources reported that Egyptian authorities arrested a Sudanese diplomat was trying to smuggle a large amount of money to Egypt from Sudan.

The reported number of Egyptian media that Cairo Airport authorities on Sunday arrested a diplomat at the Sudanese Embassy in Cairo while attempting to smuggle 175 thousand dollars inside a garbage bag upon arrival from Khartoum.

Was reported to the Egyptian Foreign Ministry and security agencies and the Sudanese embassy incident.

And about the incident, said head of the customs hall access at Cairo airport that during the check-Customs passengers Sudanese coming from Khartoum suspected "e. T." It is an extension administrative office of the military attaché, where he was carrying a garbage bag in his hand and when asked carries acknowledged as 100 thousand dollars an embassy staff salaries.

The official confirmed that the Egyptian customs to bring the matter to the Director of Customs ordered an inventory of the money and turned out to be 175 thousand dollars is contrary to the adoption of Administrative attaché starting which is a violation of the laws of the entry of foreign exchange, where it must be announced if they increased about 10 thousand dollars.

Was reported to officials of the Egyptian Foreign Ministry and the Embassy of Sudan and the Liberation minutes against diplomatic and inform the security agencies to conduct the necessary investigations for fear of smuggling money for the organization of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.

The incident is a slap to the Sudanese government and warning her to stop supporting the Muslim Brotherhood movement, where it is likely that the leaking of the news media has been intentionally Egyptian from the Egyptian authorities.

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