giovedì 3 luglio 2014

Immigration and the slave traders.

Watch a video of the story of Yasser Ibrahim Harun Yahya - Sudanese (Darfur)

Worst kinds of torture that have not heard of human beings in this world

07-03-2014 09:46 AM

Anwar Adam

Amra 27 years old, arrived in Cairo legally by river boats from Sudan to Egypt until he arrived at Cairo. Learn some of Sudanese living in Egypt and who are hunting down victims for the benefit of gangs trafficking in human beings and then get a commission, which they Brokers humans living in Egypt are illegal and considered agriculture major traffickers They are delivering victim to these criminals to do the way vile deceiving the poor who are looking for work and a better life.

Unfortunately for this poor guy that took place in the hands of the gang, unfortunately, they are of his own people and the people of the town, who Oanmoh it will work in place and gets a big salary by living a decent life.

I have the sincerity of this poor poor children of the town who wear a mask until the Secretariat sign this young man, whose honesty and I think that has opened the doors of his livelihood.

Progress of young men to (Yasser Ibrahim) and said to him, Are you looking for work? He replied without hesitation ... Yes I want to get a job and I'm here in Egypt in order to create jobs and much joy this poor guy happy talk that he was told, and take (Yasser) dreams of new life, and rode with them without hesitation and started the car that took him to area, about 100 km from Cairo.

The two men hand over the victim's new (Yasser) and received their share of the commission and returned to Cairo to seek a new victim or victims of perhaps greater numbers swell up their pocket money Mosque.

Wait Yasser in a house of mud in the middle of a farm until they reached the truck light and asked (Yasser) be accompanied in the car and sit in the back where they put the cover over the car and asked him not to move and it does not make the sound was placed under the feet and hands so as not to move , and go by the more than 250 km without stopping distance was great going on unpaved roads used by human traffickers to reach Bdaathm of the victims to the last leg of a areas where there are dozens, hundreds of victims and called stores.

Upon arrival Yasser to this place, he began to smell the blood, everything around him indicates that he was in this place is like a graveyard in the empty desert. The three young adults ranging in age from fifteen and sixteen and dragged Yasser out of the car like the carcass of one of his legs until he fell on his face and did not content with that, but they continued to dragged on the ground for a distance of twenty meters up and put him in an underground chamber has a lid railing tight and seem to have been used to store settings like the water, but the wrath of God on these criminals make the water dry out from this place.

When it (Yasser to this dark room, rub his body with other objects and signed over them, and found large numbers of Eritreans and Sudanese, more than 24 in this dark room, gloomy, and everyone is suffering from fatigue and pain due to torture in addition to high temperature.

After several days of accommodation in this dark room, which seem like a cemetery, rotate the torture of several young people, each task only is torture, came in two cars Pickup great and took us to a place nearby, which is a house in a place surrounded by walls and by the inside three rooms dark and in every room spun wooden attic kink of iron, and a man came seems attic wealth and driving a modern car and wearing a robe and white told us you today call your families in Eritrea and Sudan, all of you convert ten thousand dollars, and did not preclude the funds will be tortured and killed.

They gave us a phone carries numbers phone lines Asraúlah, and you connect to one of my relatives because my parents do not have a phone, we live in a poor village and there are no phone numbers floor in the villages, and the relatives to collect some money from philanthropists and mosques and from relatives and sold my family cow that Imlkoha ass who pass it every day reap what and collect only what fills their mouths from hunger, and turned the amount after three months, which is four thousand dollars and could not complete the agreed upon amount.

Not seen these criminals twice, and increased in the torture and every day they open the phone to hear my relatives voice of my cry during torture, Canon put plastic liquefied every part of my body and beat me violently mercilessly and not pity, and do not give me water or food only a little, and increased forms torture has increased with the suffering of my family and my relatives, where they will come from the rest of the money? We have collected and Tzlvo of all the people of the village and sold everything they have left and did not have anything. We have entered the month of Ramadan and I said to myself maybe Arahmona and leave me, but they do not know the month of Ramadan and do not have any religion, so they do not fear God, they are not Muslims and are not even human beings, objects of demons in human form.

The torture lasted throughout the month of Ramadan and what it was last year Ait of torture.

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