venerdì 25 luglio 2014

Our president Malik Igar.

SPLM leader: Our demand the overthrow of Omar al-Bashir

System bombed civilian aircraft and forces you to fill the water wells

07-25-2014 03:25 AM

Moses Rahouma

Cairo - dissolved on July 9 this third anniversary of the secession of South Sudan, which has been in the light of the results of a referendum stipulated in an agreement signed in 2005 between the government of a united Sudan at the time and "Popular Movement for the Liberation of Sudan," without carrying a lot of hopes on the future of South Sudan and the entire country of Sudan in various territories.

Facing the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Sudan crisis of armed conflict and the pressures of the international community in order to negotiate with the National Congress, but they stick to their demands, a project of the New Sudan based on justice, equality, and an end to negotiations with the National Congress on the basis of addressing the humanitarian issue.

The movement rejects any bilateral solutions confirmed that the fall seen in the context of a comprehensive solution to the crisis in Sudan and calls for the participation of all political forces and civil armed, without exclusion of any party.

He denies Nasreddin Kushayb, representative of the popular movement in the Middle East, what some that the conflict tended racist, pointing out that the conflict with the regime of President Omar al-Bashir on the basis based on historical injustices and the problems of development, and service is the collapse of public services including health, education, there are other problems related to the lack of a basis for building a state fair infused with the spirit of equality and national sense of belonging, and the dominance of a certain class of a group of political Islam on the reins of power, have ruled the country for 25 years.

It also demands of the movement, according to Kushayb, the application of justice against corruption and prosecute the perpetrators of war crimes against unarmed civilians in the different regions of Sudan.

He adds that the SPLM representative of the Khartoum regime, which is governed by the National Congress Party, tried to portray to the world that the conflict based on ethnic, religious and this is not true.

After the secession of southern Sudan, has adopted the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Sudan option to take up arms, and Kushayb justify this choice as necessity called for by the situation after it was revealed the falsity of the claim that the National Congress put up another excuse to continue in power and supporters of the movement racist description.

And confirms the leadership of the movement Tgerar Sudan that the same reasons for which the south secedes exist in the rest of the regions of Sudan and is the oppression and marginalization by the Khartoum regime that does not respect its commitments and follows a policy of "signed nor implemented." Refers in this context to the system signed more than 40 agreements, including but not implemented the Comprehensive Peace Agreement signed in 2005 which led to the secession of southern Sudan.

Projection System

Nasreddin Kushayb shows that the ruling regime in Sudan tried to convince a number of Arab and Islamic countries and the African that the ongoing war in the Sudan is a war "against the margin," but everyone is now witnessing the crimes of the regime and its warplanes harvested millions of unarmed civilians. The clear message of the movement: "We defend the rights of our people and we are not advocates of war and states should be interested in the case of Sudan understands our position and our aim is clear is the overthrow of the regime and build a democratic alternative."

In regards to the assessment of the humanitarian situation in the areas of Blue Nile and Nuba Mountains, Kushayb indicates that the military conflict in South Sudan negative impact on the situation of refugees in the two regions, especially uninterrupted supply lines of international organizations that provide food and medicine. He appealed to the international community pressure on the system in order to allow the passage of relief to the needy.

One of the worst humanitarian situation in the camps, what happens border between the states of Sudan and especially the camp of "Aida," which is inhabited by the majority of women, children and the elderly, where the more than one million people in the two regions. The regime deliberately hit farmers aviation and burning farms and working his forces on the ground in water wells in order to bridge the destruction of life and unloading areas of production and stability of its citizens, as happened in Darfur.

The international community

Concerning the position of regional and international powers on the issue adopted by the Sudan Liberation Movement, shows Nasreddin Kushayb, an official Office of External Relations in the movement, that the international community's position on the negative and not the pressure on the Khartoum government, the United Nations will operate in a slow and used the policy of self-term to address the hot-button issues and urgent, and the position of the African Union in the predominantly with the regime, but the Arab League will operate double standards in the case of characterization of the scene Libyan intervened very quickly against the regime on the other hand what is happening in Syria and Sudan exceeded the imagination of massacres and displacement of civilians and the international community in the case of complete silence.

Due Kushayb prolonged system the Sudanese despite widespread opposition, to the dispersion of the opposition and the multiplicity of fora which allowed the system space moves where to strike and deflect the efforts of the Sudanese opposition, but it is known that the forces of national consensus, civil society organizations and the popular movement spontaneous streams of youth and the other represents the weight of the civil opposition forces . Moreover, there is growing awareness among young people appeared. Everyone is angry at the system and the greater the economic pressures increased popular anger.

The Revolutionary Front they have the political and military action is working in different fields and its line of political and media harmonious in all cases, after the Charter of the New Dawn unite to work and start a new phase of the pairing between all means.

The system deliberately Omar al-Bashir to create divisions between the opposition forces and civil armed forces and build a bulwark between the goals of the two blocs. Kushayb explains that the movement is on the margin and its problems is the poor service and the exclusion of all the features of the Sudanese state, culturally, socially, politically and economically. But the objectives of both the opposition and distracting one despite their efforts and if they unite in the media and political discourse inevitably will achieve victory.

In response to a question of how you demand to drop the system and bear arms, you negotiate with him, he replies Kushayb that the movement to deal with the system in two directions: The first trend is international pressure for a decision in 2046 and isolate the regime from its regional, and the other direction is based on the pressure of mass political and military in all fronts until the fall the system. SPLM went for negotiations to address the humanitarian crisis in the first place, and not for the reconciliation system and the signing of a peace agreement provides for quota system in government, our vision is a comprehensive solution for all crises and the country with the participation of the political forces and civil armed without the exclusion of any party.

The future of the movement

Popular Movement for the Liberation of Sudan is an armed movement has been active in South Sudan leader Salva Kiir and the current Secretary General Pagan Amum. The movement arm gunman called the Popular Army for the Liberation of Sudan, fought movement with central governments in Sudan for twenty years and ended with the signing of the Naivasha Agreement for Peace in 2005. Founded by John Garang, and declared that the movement is not calling for the secession of South Sudan, but reformulated approach judgment in which the dismantling of the grip center the regions.

South Sudan separated from Sudan on the ninth of July 2011 after Southerners voted in favor of it in a referendum of self-determination contained in the peace deal that ended 22 years of civil war. Because of the continuing tension between the two armed clashes broke out between them in 2012. Began to improve the relationship between the two parties late last year, before it enters the south, in the case described by Oxfam as "the worst crisis in Africa."

Hit the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Sudan splits many in their ranks, and formed several factions southern rival, and about the future of the movement as an organization under the divisions that are exposed now refers Nasreddin Kushayb, representative of the popular movement in the Middle East, that the SPLM since its founding in 1983 have been to target and plots and constant crises, but remained well established and where there have been several splits and overtaken them and came out strong, lost Bakamp leader John Garang did not weaken. And clarity of the political and organizational line of the movement is the power factor. The program also holds radical solutions for all issues of social conflict, political and cultural. It is important that the movement remains active and successful and promising a coherent vision as an organization despite the weakness of some Almtsakotain will continue with the thought of the future and the SPLM.

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