sabato 20 settembre 2014

Ambassador for S.Sudan representing USA.

US president to nominate S. Sudan ambassador

September 18, 2014 (WASHINGTON) – US president Barack Obama announced on Thursday his intention to nominate Mary Catherine Phee as its new ambassador to South Sudan.

Phee, one of the seven individuals nominated for key administration posts, replaces Susan Page who completed her term last month.

“These men and women have demonstrated knowledge and dedication throughout their careers. I am grateful they have chosen to take on these important roles, and I look forward to working with them in the months and years to come,” Obama said in a statement.

A career member of the foreign service, Phee is currently the chief-of-staff at the office of the special envoy for Sudan and South Sudan.

She previously served as deputy chief of mission at the US embassy in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, from 2011 to 2014, having worked in Iraq, Italy, Kuwait, Egypt and Jordan.

Phee holds a B.A. from Indiana University and Masters in Law and Diplomacy from Tufts University.


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