mercoledì 24 settembre 2014

Corruption of Bashir government!!!

Rescue corruption and all-Bashir arrives Geneva: the government delegation to the UN Human Rights Council distract Ali MIE (only) half a million Dolar..oakh Bashir them without official status!

09-24-2014 01:44 AM

Alrakubh _ Geneva. Witnessing the corridors of the Human Rights Council at its twenty-seventh (27), held in Geneva from 8 to September 26, 2014 a crowd thick of the delegation of the National Congress a comprehensive individuals and entities not related to human rights, such as the president's brother Bashir Mohammed Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir, who secured himself a seat and a presence with Aelloukd although it has nothing to do with files that will be! thus bringing the total participants in the (Geneva trip) about fifty people. According to most observers that the delegation members do not attend meetings of the Council and come to Geneva for the purpose of recreation at the expense of the Sudanese people and spend some private business and save money in Swiss banks. The National Conference delegation largest delegation sent by the state to suffer from poverty allegations attend the current session of the Human Rights Council.

She said reliable sources that estimate the cost of post Delegation National Congress exceeded the actual boundaries of the 500 thousand dollars in item MIE only except other costs which include tickets (about 10 000 dollars per capita), accommodation and incidentals in the nation to suffer the sectors of education, health and government can rescue meet the simplest requirements under the pretext of deficit Almoisna.vkd each participant was given the post of petty daily 500 euros, equivalent to $ 640 USD, and thus become a petty one person in two weeks to $ 8,960 (eight thousand nine hundred and sixty dollars),. The estimated bill Monetary Air also another half a million dollars for each delegation. Can some officeholders constitutional double Ntheryatem many times to download additional amounts of their ministries! The source said Alrakubh here that the National Congress is still far from the worries of the nation and its citizens because it sends delegations for two weeks to Geneva to beautify the face and practices unsightly that violate human rights at a time practicing the National Congress the most egregious abuses in all Sudan, especially Darfur, the Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile. He attributed the source size of the delegation to the government's fears of re-inserted under control of the human rights situation (fourth item) that the report of the independent expert present Massoud Bdran came on is what you crave government bailout has revealed its repressive practices against civilians and arrests of politicians and muzzle freedom of expression and criticized foot-dragging the Sudanese government in its failure to publish or investigations related to the massacres of September last year, which followed the peaceful demonstrations against the government's policies to lift subsidies on some commodities.

It should be noted that in addition to Justice Minister Mohamed Bishara Dosa, has participated from the Ministry of Justice Undersecretary Essam El-Din Abdel-Qader Al-Zain, which erupted around suspicions of influence peddling owning dozens of land in Khartoum and in strategic locations when he was general manager of land in Khartoum state. The Alrakubh and other locations indicated in May of this year for this scandal immoral. He was also pointing out the involvement of organizations and fake made national conference under the name of Group of National Human Rights led by Mohammed Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir, the brother of Omar al-Bashir and who did not know him any activity only employed for funds some of the characters CSF for the benefit of members of his family and those close to him and his attempts to blackmail some of the poor and try to induce them to work in Saleh national Congress during the elections and to compile information about some of the characters hostile policies national Congress. Observers noted from within the corridors of the Palais des Nations in Geneva, where the headquarters of the Human Rights Council, attempts brother Bashir closer to national organizations Sudanese working in the field of human rights that are involved in the twenty-seventh session in an attempt to present himself and create a political environment in the interest of the National Congress and not the nation . Observers described the movements of the brother of al-Bashir's actions as immature and naive pie and characterized and subjectivity, and that the group led by the suspicious and do not have nothing whatsoever to human rights.

The Council will discuss the human rights report of the independent expert on Wednesday, 24 of September. Will be issued resolutions of the Council at the end of the month. The question remains whether the Council would make a decision put Sudan under control of the human rights situation in Sudan after the failed efforts of the independent expert Massoud Bdran and before Mohammed Othman Chande to refine the behavior of the Government of the National Congress of the item through technical support and capacity building.

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