sabato 25 novembre 2017

SPLM -north will dicuss about the free Sudan.

SPLM-N Agar set up committee for dialogue with Arabe tribes


November 23, 2017 (KHARTOUM) - The Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North led by Malik Agar formed a committee to contact Arab tribal leaders in South Kordofan and Blue Nile states to reach a common vision that serves the unity of the social fabric and uniting the Sudan on new bases.
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Children fetch clean water from ICRC water points in Muglad, Southern Kordofan State (ICRCJ. Guitter/file Photo)
The SPLM-N Agar split earlier this year into two factions over the demand of self-determination by Nuba Mountains Liberation Council which backed the then Deputy Chairman of the rebel group Abdel Aziz al-Hilu in his power struggle with Agar and Yasir Arman.
The two refused his demand to include the self-determination in the SPLM-N’s position paper to the peace mediators pointing that the region is inhabited also by Arab tribes and such position would bring them to break the current coexistence with the Nuba tribes because the secession from Sudan means joining South Sudan.
The Arab tribes in the South Kordofan and Blue Nile states "will contribute to the building of the New Sudan as their interests lie where is the New Sudan and social justice," said a statement extended to Sudan Tribune on Thursday.
The statement said that the successive governments of Khartoum have used the religious and ethnic differences to abort any attempt for joint action among the "marginalized people while the SPLM’s vision is in contrast to the Khartoum regimes".
The dialogue committee with the Arab tribes which work under the direction of the SPLM-N Agar Secretary-General Ismail Khamis Jalab will submit periodic reports to the President, the Vice-President.
The 13-member committee will be chaired by Adam Karshum Nur al-din as chairperson, with Abdel Rahman Musa al-Bishari who will serve as the deputy chairperson.
The rebel group is preparing to hold its general conference next January.

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