mercoledì 28 marzo 2018


Humiliation For Leather, For Law And Others
Humiliation for skin, by law and others

03-19-2018 04:13 PM
Salma Tijani


the parameter observed during the switching of children's clothing, inpreparation for the share of sports in one of the schools in the United Kingdom, there are signs on the body of one of the girls of Sudanese origin, taken after the end of the quota, and after having reassured, said the girl his mother punished by beatings. Because her mother knew she beat her in Britain, for young and old criminals, she was eager to be in hard-to-see places. After the incident that brought the student murder weapon (which was Mfrakh) after he hid inside her, sending her mother to a court, where she was forced to apologize to her child and pledged to ascribe, she must not be repeated, otherwise the law requires the disarming of the child from his parents and sent to live in a place where respect for their dignity. Britain, like Western countries, has criminalized the skin as a punishment and has disappeared from its laws since the 1970s.
In an Ortala incident in downtown Darfur, last week, as the back of the medium-speed rolling video, was the skin of the village men, without trial, and in a degrading way the waste of human dignity, and the consolidation of the 'humiliation of the citizen and stripped of all his rights guaranteed to him the interim establishment and interpreted by the laws. This happened during the arms collection campaigns in the area by government forces. Video ri Ortala to talk about the Kaaoukbh skin minds, and how he found his way to the Sudanese criminal laws, until reaching today's stage to be practiced without law and scruples of consequence.


(Islam is not used to accelerate the punishment, but the work to remove them by removing the causes) of the
Islamic thinker Rashid Ghannouchi, commenting whipping

given the skin the Sudan criminal laws, which was present in the first law (1889), which was followed within the year (1925), in order to avoid the provisions of the post-independence penal code enacted in 1974, which became a punishment alternative to sign as a passport.
Throughout this legislation confined to men flogging, until September's laws came in 1983 to restore the death penalty for men and women -specific and the number of its whipping tools from 25-100 lashes. So this law became the basis of Sudan's criminal law, in 1991, in which the death penalty exceeded the three legitimate border crimes, leading to sign the skin on more than thirty crimes, to become the worst law passing sanctions against Sudan since the nineteenth century. As the legislator decided that, in the twentieth century (the moment of enactment of the law) and in a world where more than most of the countries of the civil world Flogging, he saw that this people is not able to live only Whips on the back.
The government has not only, the penal code in 1991, humiliating people
through the signature of flogging in articles (151_ 156) contained in the door offered and public morality and crimes of reputation, and did not satisfy their desire to degrade human dignity Sudanese condemned the flogging according to loose texts where the estimates are left to the the mood of a policeman The prosecutor, the prosecutor and the judge, but three years ago, Saif imposed Article 67 of the law (riot crime) to whip the political act. It held that every rally of five or more people in violation of public peace, and is punishable by imprisonment or a fine or flogging of twenty lashes, surpassing the judge, usually, the first two options that is sentenced whipping, as it happened in 2015, when the members of a political party flogging were punished, for carrying out a mass confrontation One of the markets So, the criminal law jumped to exert its hold on the peaceful political activity and the worst punishments were an insult to humanity.


in 1997, the UN High Commissioner's punishment for corporal punishment was cruel, inhuman and degrading and the amount to be tortured, and therefore Flogging was incompatible with the Convention against Torture (Sudan is still reluctant to ratify it), and two years ago called for a commission of Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia to stop corporal punishment such as amputation and scourging.
Here is the question: does Sudan not ratify the Convention against Torture, does it give it the right to swim contrary to current global human rights law? We live in an isolated island governed by a regime that has rebelled against international institutions and their families

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