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In The Masculine Of The Coup D'état In May: These Are The Differences Between The Marshal Nimeiri And The Other Bashir
05-25-2018 01:44 AM
Bakri Sayegh Introduction: **** (a) *** on the occasion of the advent of the male 49 - year - old Ali coup (Free Officers) ,which Saji her memory on Friday , 25 / May 2018 current, Wright is an article today isnot about the coup d'état It was signed in 1969, because there is nothing new that can be added to the event after everything has become the coup of the Baccabashi Jaafar Nimeiri and his comrades: (Lt. Col. H / Babeker Al-Nur Al-Dahab, Major / Khalid Hassan Abbas, Major / Majid / Maamoun Awad Abu Zeid, Major / Zine El Abidine Mohamed Ahmed Abdelkader, Major / Abu El Qassim Hashim, Major / Hashim Alta, Major / Farouk Osman Hamdna Allah) has become Arovh to everyone full of small and fine details. (B) *** This article was dedicated today to see the differences in the character of each of the Field Marshal Jaafar Nimeiri and the other Field Marshal Omar al - Bashir, in: *** What did they differ and agreed? !! *** What are the negatives at each of them ?! *** What are the most prominent defects in their personality? !! *** What are the similarities and similarities in the behaviors and behaviors that were initiated during their rule of the country ?! 1 *** The first difference between the Marshal Jaafar Nimeiri and the other Marshal Omar al-Bashir, that (Nmenm) is the name (Dla) famous by Nimeiri in the seventies, died poor, did not have the debris of the world but a very modest home in Wad Nobawi !! , Did not buy a villa or a luxury palace in Dubai !!, and did not have a balance in the hard currency in the banks of Abu Dhabi or Malaysia !!, we did not hear that members of his family or relatives had owned residential land in dozens !!, we did not hear or read accusing him about Financial corruption large or small !!, *** As for Omar al-Bashir, there was nothing wrong, the corruption of his regime entered the corridors of the United Nations, which issued resolutions condemning political corruption And financial, and the matter was stopped at this point, but the World Bank also condemned the situation of Sudan, which is steeped in corruption until it reached its debt to the bank !! About 54 billion dollars , 2 *** Field Marshal Jaafar Nimeiri was a respected figure and has the ability when all the princes, and enjoy (charisma) was a strong place of respect for everyone, wherever he traveled outside his country found respect and appreciation, *** Unlike Omar al - Bashir Which one of the citizens threw shoe shoes expression of his disgust and disgust of the miserable situation in his afflicted country !! 3 *** During Jaafar al-Nimeiri's 15-year and 11-month reign, Sudan was respected and respected by all peoples, and no head of state was allowed to offend his country. , *** Today we find that Sudan under the rule of Bashir has become in the worst cases to the extent that the waste in the territory of the Sudan is the day of the day for foreigners without hesitation and sergeant arrived to the extent of ownership of Turkey, a Sudanese city !!, and the Red Sea coast may soon become King of Russia !! 4 *** *** Nimeiri enjoyed the respect of the armed forces, which turned on him later on April 6, 1985 blood injection, and today if if we reviewed the situation of the armed forces in the time of Bashir, we find torn torn apart between the plains of Yemen and the Nuba Mountains and guarding the most influential in power !!, Who would have believed that Sudan, after 62 years of independence, would lease its armed forces to Saudi Arabia? 5 *** Jaafar al-Nimeiri had (the Socialist Union) and served as a party (cartoon) did not provide and did not delay and lived on the tax deducted from the people, *** The same thing we find now in the Sudan today, where Omar al-Bashir party And even though most of the influential ones have become wealthy citizens of the country thanks to Bashir, who gave them the green light to carry out the systematic looting, theft of land and the possession of villas and palaces inside and outside the country, but they are always in a schism And disputes about their dissatisfaction with al-Bashir's unilateral actions in making major decisions without recourse To the ruling party and its offensive behavior that Sudan offered to embarrass the local and global !! 6 *** Nimeiri died to the mercy of God and left behind a unified Sudan, all interconnected, left behind the institutions of the state enjoy the nationalism, but who is in the case of Sudan today finds that Sudan is no longer that Sudan, which the world knew, after the separation of the south and the loss of Halaib and fascism And Abyei has become a much worse situation, and evidence of this is what came in the news published today 24 May 2018 in the newspaper "Alraquba" under the title (Parliament: Sudan's borders eroded from the parties and countries treated in a "humiliating"), The Security and Defense Committee Major General Al-Hadi Adam Hamed said in a parliamentary session yesterday that the statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Which presented to the Parliament dealt with talk about the border and stressed the sovereignty of the country on its borders at a time when the parties are eroded in Halaib with the Egyptian border and the border with Ethiopia as well as the existence of problems in the border with the Central African countries and Chad, and continued: "The border with the South is nothing wrong," and described talk about sovereignty over the Sudanese territory , " the construction) *** ended the news , which said very clearly that Sudan Saybh state Hamlh are shrinking and melting soon !! 7 *** Nimeiri and died behind behind a national state apparatus, but today everything has become No nation start from the armed forces, security apparatus, rapid support forces, evil Of, and not through the national Ministry of Justice, the Ministry ofInformation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and ending, education and higher education, oil !! 8 *** Henk similarities and very similar to when Field Marshal Nimeiri and Field Marshal Omar al - Bashir , listed in the following: (a) both of the Military Academy graduate, which was carrying the former name (men factory) !! (B) Both offenses ( by virtue of the military their minds) to violence in the treatment ofothers, especially if Kanu civilians !! (C) emerged with them , love of control and unilateral decisions without recourse to any legitimate institution !! (D) was Nimeiri always violent in his treatment with his ministers and the heads of thesecretariats of the Socialist Union and senior officials in government agencies, and there are stories of witnesses that he resorted several times to use his fist against officials, either Omar al - Bashir , he dispensed with beating style (feed mouth breaks Al Ain) !!, so no one came out of his obedience as long as (the counter is working) !! (E) One of the things that angered the Sudanese many, Nimeiri has already announced clearly and publicly that the Halaib is an Egyptian region !!, followed by Al-Bashir and did not make clear his position completely on the issue of the dispute about Halaib, when he visits Cairo says it is an integration area !! He said before, "Let's make Halaib yeast a knife between the two countries." And when he is in a public meeting within Sudan, he goes and confirms "Sudanese Halaib" !! (F) *** Both (Nimeiri and Bashir) did not Anala a large share of education, and this isclearly evident Mazar in behaviors that convictions on them, or in bizarre statements Adloha by, or in speeches where many of the promises of implementation impossible in The deteriorating economic conditions that came after the 1970's as a result of the decisions of Tamimat and confiscation !! 9 *** Finally, I have passed on Sudan after independence three generals rank Mushir: (a) first, it was Marshal / Abdul Rahman gold bracelet, a large military figure and to theextent that the head of the country, but one did not feel his presence throughout theduration of sentence !!, Applies the famous proverb (do not see, do not hear, do not speak) !! (B) Second, Field Marshal / Jaafar Mohammed Nimeiri (August dentin adversity Dirar), the President of the Republic and (youthfulness) !!, and the rule of all the people and the government of parentally !!, sad and painful end came after the application of thelaws of Badria Suleiman !! (C) Field Marshal / Omar Hassan al - Bashir, if we compare the work between personal Omar al - Bashir Banumeira and gold bracelet, we find that al - Bashir is the least respect and appreciation of the Sudanese and others !!, and the proof is that no one mentions Bashir good or praises the wisdom !! bakrielsaiegh@yahoo.de Help us as Fung Association and donate 5 dollars to build school for the displaced persons victim of civil war in South Blue Nile through our Fung Association representitive Abdelazim GomaaIBAN CODE IT31R0760101600001040808527 Code BIC/SWIFT BPPIITRRXXX CIN RABI 07601 CAB 01600 N. of account 1040805278 |
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