Dubai, 26 ago. (Adnkronos/Dpa) - Sarebbero membri di un gruppo di ribelli sudanesi i tre uomini - e non uno, come affermato in precedenza - responsabili del dirottamento aereo compiuto oggi in Sudan. Questo quanto riferito dall'emittente 'Al Arabiya'. Secondo altre fonti, citate dalla Cnn, tra i passeggeri saliti a bordo dell'aereo - tra gli 83 ed i 94 a seconda delle diverse fonti - vi sarebbero alcuni funzionari del governo ad interim del Darfur. Il velivolo era decollato da Nyala, nel Darfur, diretto a Khartoum. Dopo il dirottamento, l'aereo e' atterrato nello scalo libico di Al-Kafra per fare rifornimento.
طرابلس (رويترز)
قالت وكالة الجماهيرية (الليبية) للانباء يوم الاربعاء نقلا عن مدير مطار الكفرة ان خاطفي طائرة الركاب السودانية الذين أجبروها على الهبوط في ليبيا طالبوا بإعادة تزويدها بالوقود حتى يمكنها مواصلة الطيران الي باريس.
واضافت الوكالة نقلا عن خالد ساسية مدير المطار الواقع في جنوب شرق ليبيا ان قائد الطائرة أبلغ مدير المطار في اتصال باللاسلكي أن الخاطفين لا يريدون أي مفاوضات وان مطلبهم الوحيد هو اعادة تزويد الطائرة بالوقود للطيران الى باريس.
وقالت الوكالة ان الخاطفين طلبوا ايضا خرائط للاسترشاد بها في تحديد مسار رحلتهم من الكفرة الى باريس.
وأضافت ان الطيار ابلغ مدير المطار ايضا أن الخاطفين عددهم 10 قبل ان يعود ليقول ان عددهم قد يكون أكثر من ذلك.
ورفض الخاطفون عروضا من السلطات الليبية لتزويد الركاب بالطعام.
وقالت الوكالة ان الخاطفين رفضوا ايضا طلب المطار لتقديم علاج طبي للركاب الذين شعروا بإغماء بسبب ضعف نظام تبريد الهواء في الطائرة.
Sudan hijackers want to fly to Paris
Wed, 27 Aug 2008 06:04:37 GMT
Hijackers who forced a Sudanese airliner with some 100 passengers on board to land in Libya want fuel to continue their flight to Paris.
Libyan aviation officials said on Wednesday that the hijackers do not want any negotiations and have only one demand, that the plane be refueled to go to Paris.
They have also turned down offers by Libyan authorities to provide the passengers with food and medical care.
The plane's pilot also told Libyan officials that the hijackers, who number 10 or maybe more, claim to be members of the Sudanese Liberation Movement (SLM) faction of Abdel Wahid Mohammed Nur, who lives in Paris.
"The pirates claim to have coordinated with him (Nur) to meet them in the French capital," the pilot said.
However, the SLM faction strongly denied the hijackers were members of the group, saying that such an action would be completely against their "aims, values and objectives".
The Boeing 737 which was bound for the Sudanese capital Khartoum from the volatile Darfur region, was hijacked shortly after takeoff with some 100 people onboard. Among the passengers are three senior members of a former rival Darfur rebel group.
The hijacked plane landed in Libya for refueling after it was denied permission to land in Egypt.
Non va bene siamo teroristi alora!!............azim
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