sabato 5 maggio 2012

Malawi dismiss Bashir.

Malawi President: We do not want post-Bashir in an African Union summit in our country 05-04-2012 07:36 PM A Malawi. P. B. Blantyre (Malawi) said President of Malawi Joyce Banda Friday she does not want to participate Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir at the AU summit to be hosted by her in July, to avoid the deterioration of relations between her country's poor and major donors. Banda said that Malawi "We must take into account the serious economic repercussions to host President Bashir." She said in a press conference that "Malawi suffers from economic problems is unprecedented, and would not be wise to risk of allowing someone to come and attend the summit despite strong opposition from partners, collaborators and donors." She said that her predecessor's decision Bingu wa Mtharika last year to allow Bashir attended the regional summit cost the country $ 350 million loss of aid from the Foundation "Cooperation in the Millennium Challenge" campaign, which was to be used in the development of electricity supply in the country. Banda and proposed to send a representative to the summit, Sudan, although the final decision on who will be invited back to the African Union. The head of Malawi's former ignored the international outrage and is designed to host Bashir required of the International Criminal Court on charges of genocide. The foreign donors came to Malawi at one stage about 40% of its budget for development, but they have reduced their aid because of the economic crisis and the policy of the country's political. And rushed Panda, which took power after the death of Mutharika last month, to try to restore the confidence of donors and pledged to address the concerns expressed by the main lenders in the past.

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