martedì 25 febbraio 2014


Agreement between Sudan, Eritrea Signed on Combating Desert Locusts

Khartoum - Sudan and Eritrea have agreed upon joint protocol between the two countries to combat desert locusts following the recent attack of the desert locusts to Eritrea.

The Director of the Plant Protection at the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation Khidir Jibreel explained, in statement to SUNA following his return Sunday from Eritrea. He said that the aim of the visit was to get acquainted with the impacts of the attack of the desert locusts on Eritrea and to inspect the status of locusts at the border areas between the two states for coordination between them through the campaign of combating the desert locusts.

Jibreel revealed that Sudan supported Eritrea with 5,000 cubic metres of locust pesticides, affirming Sudan’s readiness to extend more support to Eritrea.

He lauded the efforts made to ward off the hazards of the locusts through the agreement signed between the two countries to combat the desert locusts.

By SUNA, 17/02/2014

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