lunedì 14 aprile 2014

I am Sudan...HALA

Sudanese:HALA RADIO FM 96

Date: 14/04/2014

Due to the great development in nearly all aspects of life, the Information Technology ( I T ) became an important part of everybody's life. IT has developed very quickly, with a very

quick rhythm, not on yearly basis, monthly basis or weekly basis, but perhaps, there is either an amendment, development or addition to that field,every day. These might be the result of quite some research and work done by many persons. These teams are formed of technicians, researchers, scientists, specialists, workers, staff, etc.

In Sudan, just like all other Countries of the World, the IT fields have developed very much. This has spread among the young generations and many have excelled in these sciences.

As part of that development. Media has flourished as part of the Communications' spreading in all countries and followed by all communities. These resulted in the creation of many Media sources, including TV stations, Channels, Bars, Radio Stations, FM Channels, Radio and Broadcasting Stations.

Lately, a new HALA Radio FM 96 Radio Channel has been formed by some Sudanese young men and women. They are really young men and women, all are Sudanese, very highly educated and cultured, some of them are well-trained in a certain field or a branch of science or information.

HALA Radio FM 96 started, not from scratch, but their initial steps were very sure. They promised that their programs would appeal to the taste of all segments and strata of the Sudanese and the Arabic-foreigners who live in Sudan. Their programs cover very wide fields of entertainment and serious material.

After listening to HALA Radio FM 96 and following their programs for quite some time, every listener would ind out that those in charge of the programs are very talented and cultured.

The programs are very assorted. They include entertainment,humor, tragedy, sarcasm, education, dialogue with the listeners, poetry, advises, lectures, songs, music and some other nice programs All the owners, presenters, writers, broadcasters and all those who work in that Radio station are very young people. This is very good news to the Sudanese Nation. It proves that Sudanese both, have Talents and Initiatives.

The Programs are of a very good standard and high quality of essence. The language used is very correct and the pronunciation of the words are very clear.and in a lofty standard.

There is no vague or poor subjects, but all are of quality.

We hope that they not only stick to that good standard, but to initiate new topics. It wouldbe very good to encourage the young talented men and women to show teir talents and to enable them to find means of developing them and benefitting from their capabilities. They desrve to be financed and equiped with all facilities necessary for their activties and work. We wish them and all the youth good luck

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