martedì 15 aprile 2014

Obama have to deside !!

Former US President Calls for Lifting Sudan from Terrorism Sponsoring States

Atlanta – Former US President Jimmy carter called for lifting Sudan from terrorism sponsoring states besides lifts the economical sanctions.

Carter, who was speaking in a panel discussion title (Sudan, Opportunities and Challenges) organized by Ambassador Andrew Young Atlanta city that the Sudanese government steered the Comprehensive Peace Agreement stage with South Sudan in a distinguished ideal way as it fulfilled all its pledges.

He praised President Al Bashir who respected his word, while the US Administration and the UN breached its pledges in supporting Sudan.

The former US President expressed embarrassment due to the stances of his government, pointing out that Washington directed him, after the recent developments in South Sudan, to ask Khartoum to intervene for the favour of US interests but he (Carter) refused such mediation, expressing his appreciation to Sudan's stances describing it as responsible and neutral.

Carter Called for supporting Al Bashir's initiative on the national dialogue which he described as serious.

By Exclusive, 14 hours 9 seconds ago

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