mercoledì 16 aprile 2014

Traggedia del Sudan.

Officers with the rank of Major General and Brigadier meet security manager to protest the killing and rape of family members by the rapid support troops

04-15-2014 11:58 PM


Obtained ( Alrakubh ) Ali confirmed information that a number of senior officers of the security apparatus are descended from Darfur, including an officer with the rank of brigade and four officers of the rank of brigadier and Aqidan they had met the director of a security team Mohamed Atta to protest against the heinous crimes and gross violations committed and are still committed by militias ( Janjaweed ) , which came under the new name " rapid support forces ."

And assured the officers that Mohammed Atta mess made by these forces can not be tolerated .

The reason for the meeting of the officers and break up the Law of the military establishment which prevents the assembly out of sequence organization to have a number of them to their family members , including Dean (j . I) which has a number of members of his family at the hands of forces ( Hmidta ) as the daughter of the brother of Major General (d. . A) was raped after killing all who were in the vehicle in which they were traveling from El Fasher to Saraf Umra .

The protests coincide with the movements of the people of Darfur at all levels against the forces ( the Janjaweed ) , which was annexed by the Sudanese army forces officially as the quick support .

Where he witnessed the National Council yesterday ( Monday ) Mlasnat between members who support the rapid support troops and opposition to its existence in the presence of Defense Minister Abdul Rahim Mohammed Hussein , who praised these forces and Banillatha .

The defense minister stressed that these forces did not commit any excesses , but provided many of the services and set up Aldwanka and provided medical support and food and worked professionally and he himself visited their areas and met with citizens who have praised these forces .

As a member of the National Council accused her d . Ismail Hussein exercise of sabotage and murder, who made a MP from the Umma Party Abdullah path described Kamal Obeid it offended and called for the withdrawal of a modern member of the Minutes of the meeting .

He was a member of the National Council , Ahmed Abdullah Namir had called a few days before the state of piety and the fear what is going on in Darfur and said the man Darfur no longer has the value I place . He disclosed that the rapid support troops had launched a " sweep " all the money in the western part of North Darfur .

Forces and support the rapid -strong government forces consists of members of the militias ( Janjaweed ) and driven from their side , Brigadier Mohammed Hamdan ( Hmidta ) the slope of the South Darfur as The Major General Abbas Abdul Aziz served as commanding general of the troops by the government army .

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