mercoledì 30 luglio 2014

Bombs against humanbieng. in Darfur and Blue Nile.

Mina anti uomo.


Workshops MRE states of Darfur and Blue Nile

07-30-2014 02:34 PM


Detection National Counterterrorism Center and demining on the implementation of awareness workshops about the sustainability of the MRE and the dissemination of information among citizens, including the five states of Darfur and Blue Nile.

The open-Rahman Guenjari head of the MRE at the National Center for the control and removal of mines for (smc) that his administration began to educate communities in a number of States of the dangers of mines and with the participation of organizations UNICEF and the Japan Society for help along with the Friends of peace and development, pointing out that the introduction of the RE curriculum of the dangers of mines in the curriculum will help educate students and children in the affected areas of the country.

He praised Guenjari networks active states of Darfur and Blue Nile to its vital role in conducting training in local communities.

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